"That guy looks dangerous." A boy said breaking the silence.

Laughter filled the room while some got annoyed.

"Dude, he looks familiar." Rachel said looking at the door. I turned around in my seat just to face her, with a wicked devious smile.

"Sure, sure he does." I teased with a grin.

"Oh, no gross!" Rachel said blushing. "He looks like that guy that my dad arrested." She explained with a suspicious expression.

"So he's a criminal?" I asked, curiously. "That's weird. Why would a criminal be wearing a suit with a brief case? Looks more like a lawyer to me."

"I'm not sure, I said look like, it could be a look alike. And he looks nothing like a lawyer, more like a serial killer doing business." She explained, still focused on the cracked door.

"OR!" I teased with a smile.

"Or nothing!" Rachel said laughing.

The door opened...slowly.

Everyone froze and stared.

Ms. Elvira came in the room, rubbing her eyes and shaking her head.

"Ms. Elvira, you ok?" A student asked.

Things suddenly got to an awkward silence. Ms. Elvira walked to her desk, grabbed her purse and opened it.

She was crying.

"Ms. Elvira?" Another student called, making sure she was ok.

She pulled her cell phone out and called someone, waiting patiently for them to pick up. After two minutes, she finally spoke. "I'm on my way." She said with a very uneven tone in her voice.

She then walked out of the classroom, across the hall, mumbling a few words to the other teacher, which I'm assuming was to watch the class until a sub shows up.

What was going on?

Everyone in the class immediately started gossiping, saying what could be wrong with her.

"She's probably getting fired." One girl said.

"Is it that time of month?" The same boy that had the first out burst asked.

"Someone probably died." Another girl said.

Then the room filled with multiple conversations...

After school, I walked home with my boyfriend Kevin, since my parents didn't think I was responsible enough to have my own car, plus I was only sixteen. So! I walked. I didn't mind, now that I had someone to walk with.

"Sooo, how was your day?" Kevin asked, playfully shoving me.

"It was ok I guess." I said, looking down at the ground. Deep down, I couldn't stop thinking about Ms. Elvira. What could that man have told her, to make her so...blunt?

"Ok?" He asked.

"Yep." I simply said.

"Why just ok? Why not GREAT!?" He asked, jumping in the air like an idiot while trying to keep up with my pace.

"I guess Ms. Elvira had an issue during class, she broke down crying and couldn't dare look at us." I explained, finally looking up. I gripped both my hands on the arm handles of my backpack.

"Well, I don't know why everyone's so hooked up on it, bitch probably got dumped." Kevin shrugged, as if it weren't a big deal.

"If she got dumped then why would a man dressed in a suit with a brief case interrupt a very important school lesson and just say "Your boyfriend is dumping you." ?" I asked, with a bit more of a sarcastic attitude to my tone.

Kevin raised his finger, prepared to say something until I cut him off.

"And, why would she call someone and say "I'm on my way." with tears in her eyes?" I asked.

Kevin stopped my walking pace by stepping in front of me, putting both his hands on my shoulders.

"You really need to calm down." He said, looking directly into my eyes. I blushed and rubbed my forehead.

God, even his eyes matched his words. I looked around, feeling embarrassed.

"You're right! I don't know why I'm so worked up over this." I said releasing his grip and continuing my pace.

"Well, hey! I got some news for ya!" Kevin said catching up beside me.

"And what's that?" I asked, with a smirk.

"My parents are out of town for tonight. Wanna come over and you know, study?" He asked, winking at me.

I looked over at him with a smile, raising my eyebrows. "Haha, aww you're sooo fucking adorable!!...When you're not trying to get in my pants all the time." I said, pushing him away.

Kevin laughed and put his arm over my shoulder. "Babe, I really meant it." He said with a begging smile.

"Suuuure you did." I said sarcastically.

"You could come over. We could watch Netflix...chill." He winked again. "And eat snacks!" He continued.

"No thanks. Compared to that I actually love being a sixteen year old virgin with no big responsibilities growing in my stomach." I said.

Kevin sighed. Then he looked over at me, giving himself the idea to tickle me.

"N-no stop!" I said, trying to control my laughter.

"Take back what you said then!" He said continuing to tickle me.

He stopped once we parked our feet in front of my house.

"So, here's your place." Kevin said, going in for a hug.

I hugged him back but once he leaned in for a kiss, I rejected it (like I always did). "Bye." I said, unlocking the door.

Kevin's smile dropped.

"Why won't you ever kiss me?" He asked, looking me deeply into my eyes as his pupils grew large.

"Because I want my first kiss to be special, not in front of my house, or in school. I still love you though." I said, giving him a small smile, hoping he'd understand.

"Yea whatever." He shook his head and walked off.

"Sorry!" I yelled.

I didn't wanna tell him the real reason why I didn't want my lips touching his. A year ago, I heard about him making out with one of my old best friends, Courtney. He called it, part of the act, since he was a football player in the drama club. But it was no act. She kissed him, but he enjoyed every bit of it. Even when the teacher said "And scene!". There were plenty rumors saying they kept going, or, this one's my favorite, where they stopped and she told him to meet her after school, "Avery doesn't have to know." She probably whispered in his ear. Come to find out, it was all true! But Courtney, was also expelled after trying to sleep with a teacher.


We actually never heard from her again...

I walked in the house, closed the door behind me and rushed upstairs to my room. "Home sweet home." I said, sniffing in the sweet smell of the perfume I used over and over, surrounding the room.

I looked around my room as if it were my very own apartment.

I opened my window and smiled at how beautiful outside looked.

"Perfect timing, the sun's just now setting." I smiled, flopping down on my neatly made bed.

Even though today was an awkward, sad, and scary day, the smile on my face never went away, that was until-

A Vampire's Property: 1st Person Special Edition.Where stories live. Discover now