Chapter Three

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The next morning I woke up bright and early. I decided to get ready and head downstairs. My mom sat on one of the stools in our kitchen while sipping her coffee. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked over to the cupboard to grab a bowl for my cereal. I poured some on my bowl and then some milk. I sat beside mom and began to eat.

“Do you start filming today?” I nodded with my mouthful. “Should I expect you to come home on time for dinner?”

“You can leave dinner in the microwave.” She nodded and turned to look at me and smiled. “What?”

“I’m proud of you.” I smiled back and continued eating. When I finished, I said goodbye to my mom and got in my range rover.

The day wasn’t so hot so I decided to roll my windows down and let the Californian breeze get to me. The streets weren’t so crowded so I didn’t deal with any traffic chaos. I arrived at the studio ten minutes before nine. I walked inside and down the halls to meet Jim.

“Chloe! So glad you’re here. The rest are already here except for Jason. They’re getting ready.” I nodded and walked down the hall my new cast mates had shown me the other day. I arrived at my dressing room and quickly grabbed some clothes that matched. I went for a blue and pink plaid shirt, some white skinny jeans and the black pair of TOMS I was wearing. A knock on the door startled me for a second.

“Come in!” The door opened, revealing Olivia and a woman who looked like she was in her mid-30s.

“Hey girly!” I chuckled and hugged Olivia. We let go of each other and she turned to look at the woman behind her. “I just came over to introduce you to Grace. She’s our makeup artist.”

“Nice to meet you Grace.” We shook hands.

“Nice to meet you too, Chloe. Olivia has told me some things about you and she was right when she mentioned you were good looking.” I chuckled and pump fisted with Olivia.  “Let’s get you ready. Jim can be a riot sometimes.”

“Okay.” I sat on the high chair and let Grace do all the work. She didn’t apply too much make up. She had mentioned I had a very healthy skin that she didn’t want to ruin. I already liked working with her!

“Done!” I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I didn’t look like a clown. I just looked like plain old me. Now I knew why Olivia had told me that I would love working with Grace. “What do you think?”

“I love it! Thank you so much Grace.” She gave me a smile and continued to straighten my hair. She finished and shooed me and Olivia so we could go and start filming. We stepped onto the set and walked over to Dylan and Mateo.

“Hey lovelies. How are you doing?” Mateo crossed his arms in front of his chest, trying to look smooth. Well, he kind of did.

“We’re doing great Mateo.” He nodded. I looked at him and noticed he had his gi on. “Nice gis, guys!”

“Thanks. Jim said we had to use them, considering is the first time Riley walks into our dojo.” I nodded. “Did you learn your lines?”

“Of course.” I gave him a smile as Leo showed up behind him and Mateo. I had to admit it. He looked amazing with a gi on.

“Hey guys! What you talking about?” He took a sip from a bottle of water and looked at us.

“We’re just making sure our new friend Riley is ready.” I looked at Olivia. The English accent was totally her thing right now and Leo didn’t seem to like it.

“Liv, don’t.” He held up his hand, making Olivia glare at him. I chuckled. We all turned to look at Jim who called us over.

“Alright everyone, Jason just got here so we’ll be starting in a few minutes.” We all nodded. Olivia and I walked to the courtyard set while Leo, Mateo, Dylan and Jason were in the dojo. “Are we ready?”

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