Hello again

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Your P.O.V

I turned the key in the lock. I entered through the door of my flat and checked my phone. 9pm.

I yawned.

I slowly sauntered into my bedroom and changed into my pastel blue pajama pants and a grey tee shirt.

I made my way to the living room and sat down on the sofa. I grabbed my laptop and checked all of my social medias, starting with tumblr.

B/F/N came and sat herself down beside me on the sofa. She seemis eager to talk to me.

I put my laptop down and wrapped myself in a blanket.

"Gosh B/F/N, today was so fun" I mumbled, my voice muffled by the fuzzy blanket.

"Yes it was!" B/F/N responded

"Soooo... is Dan into you Y/N?" B/F/N asked

"No, why would you think that?" I started

"Oh no reason" B/F/N smiled.

"Okay, seriously B/F/N!! Tell me why" I demanded

"Y/N I think he likes you. It might only be a little but I can just tell" B/F/N said confidently

"Yeah right, he's a famous youtuber who has girls basically throwing themselves at him. Besides, he just met me. I doubt he likes me" I countered 

"Then why did he ask to see you again tomorrow?" B/F/N said, wriggling her eyebrows

"Stop it. You look so creepy right now. Dan was just being friendly" I stated

"Okay, think what you want" B/F/N sighed

After that awkward conversation B/F/N and I decided that we wanted to watch a movie before going to bed.

Multiple pointless arguments later, we both agreed on watching "Paper Towns".

I've seen the movie once before in the cinema but I'm excited to re watch it.

B/F/N on the other hand has never seen it.

While B/F/N is setting up the movie I'm gonna go get some food.

I got up and went into the kitchen, opened the pantry door and grabbed a bag of microwave popcorn.

B/F/N and I can share, I decided.

I placed the popcorn in the microwave and hit 1 minute. 

(mi-cro-wave (twists finger) sorry '~') (you may resume again) 

I waited for the microwave to beep and then split the popcorn into 2 bowls.

I returned into the living room with popcorn and handed a bowel to B/F/N

"Thanks Y/N" B/F/N said quietly.

*Time skip* (2 hours)

The movie was really good. B/F/N says that she liked it.

I turned off the TV and went into my bathroom to take off my makeup.

After that I switched all the lights off and jumped into my warm and cozy bed.

I decided to check my phone.

It read,

[1 text message from: Dan]

- Hey Y/N meet me at Starbucks tomorrow @12pm. I can't wait to see you! Goodnight :)

I turned off my phone and closed my eyes.

I started thinking about tomorrow and how fun it will be to hangout with Dan again.

*Time skip* (Next morning)

We just know - Danisnotonfire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now