September, October

298 20 9


update: i figured it out

update 2: i edited sober it's all ok

We was only trying to latch on
But you're lost
Shouting to clear our name
Of burning conscience
Locked yourself away
When you're satisfied
When you found someone and we were left outside

Hailstones Don't Hurt | Soak

When Phil was younger he imagined himself to be a weatherman, because weathermen were cool, right? Little Phil always thought they were the cleverest of all people because, well, because they could predict the future! Phil was fascinated, watching them intently with his face far too close to the television, eyes wide.

"Your eyes will turn square!" His mum would warn.

"How do they do it mum?" He'd reply, shuffling backwards to appease the scolding quirk of her brows. "How do they know what the weather will be?"

She'd smile, pinch his cheek and say "they have superpowers."

Phil would gasp, young eyes alight with curiosity. "Does everyone have powers, mum?"

"Not everyone..."

"Do you think I'll have powers?"

The television would flicker, switching back to the boring news and Phil would stand, following his mother to the kitchen as she poured herself a glass of red juice in the fancy glasses. "You might, if you're extra good for mummy!"

Phil would grin, his baby teeth crooked and small, and immediately begin looking for something good to do. His mother would smile behind the rim of her glass, teeth stained red from the juice Phil wasn't allowed to taste, and that would be that.

Twelve years later and Phil now knows what that 'juice' tastes like, he knows magic isn't real and, most importantly, he knows he isn't special - at least, no more special than those around him.

He doesn't have magic powers, and neither do the weathermen, and he doesn't want to be one anymore anyway.


"Are you going to Evie's party tonight, Phil?"

I set my mug of tea down on the coffee table in the centre of our usual square of chairs. "Yeah, duh, Dan wouldn't let me not go."

Lea grinned mischievously, wagging her eyebrows suggestively and baring her teeth. "Think something will finally happen between the two of you?"

I snorted, having had this same discussion many times over with at least every single one of my friends twice over. "When pigs fly."

"Evolution happens - and science! - might happen sooner than you think!"

I rolled my eyes exasperatedly, amusement pulling at the corners of my lips. "Fine, Dan and I will get together when Nana and Evie get together."

"Hey!" Nana protested, looking up from the textbook perched precariously on her knees, propped up by her feet on the table. "Don't bring me into this, besides, Dan's actually into you - Evie isn't actually gay."

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