"Fast healing." He said simply. Right. Lucky bastard.

Wanda was still unconscious but it wouldn't be long before she woke up too. "So how exactly will we Houdini our way out of this?" Percy asked, he really wasn't in the mood for staying in a dark, cold cell for much longer.

"Honestly I was hoping you would be able to come up with sort of a plan. As far as I can tell they've got the others too so-" he was interrupted by a groan as Wanda woke up.

"Where are we?" Her voice was flat, hard. She was already on the defensive, ready to fight, to tear down anything and anyone who hurt the ones she cared about. It was the voice of a warrior speaking, battle hardened and experienced, rather than an eighteen year old.

The boys opened their mouths to answer her but were cut off by the large steel doors opening with a clang. A young man of about twenty-five walked in, flanked by two guards. His clearly handsome face was marred by a scar that stretched from the corner of his right eye down to his jawline. Piercing blue eyes gleamed at them, an easy smile playing about his lips, voice seemingly carefree as he spoke. "Why, I thought it should have been obvious where you were Miss Maximoff! This lovely freezer of a room is acting as a prison cell for the time being as our actual prison cells are a bit occupied at the moment. I do hope you aren't too uncomfortable, but as needs must, we simply had to take a few precautions. My sincerest apologies but its a necessary evil on my part." He had a smooth British accent that, under any other circumstances would probably have been a delight to listen to. As it was, it was disconcerting to see their captor so at ease.

"What do you want?" Percy really wasn't in the mood for games.

"So hostile! We've only just begun! Besides, what would be the fun in that? Don't worry, it won't be something as demeaning as only using you as leverage. I have something much more fun than that planned for you three."

They eyed him warily, slowly inching back, as far away from him as they could go, bound as they were.

Now that he was feeling less out of it, Percy cast his senses out in search of a water source. He was sorely disappointed as he couldn't sense even a drop. His disappointment must have shown because the man grinned widely.
"My apologies Mr. Jackson. Water isn't going to be something you'll find too easily at this point. That's probably my fault but, oh well." He shrugged as if to say what can you do? A grin flitted across his face as he remembered something. "How rude of me! I'm Jonathan. Pleasure to meet you!" Percy, Wanda and Pietro simultaneously rolled their eyes at his ridiculousness.
"Anyway, I'm going to need her for now thanks." He pointed to Wanda. At their enraged expressions he sighed as if he was surrounded by idiots of the first order. "No torture, no blackmail, none of that boring stuff, so don't worry your pretty little heads over it 'kay? I just want to ask her something and have her do me one tiny little favor. That's it, I promise! Scout's honor." He grinned widely as Percy scoffed.
"Somehow I doubt that you were ever a boy scout."
"Well I'll give you that one but honestly, I could care less about HYDRA and its ridiculous politics. Most of them were a bunch of bigots anyway. Maniacs the lot of them."
This time it was Wanda who replied, confused by the man's words. "Are you not part of HYDRA?"
Jonathan's face darkened and for the first time he actually looked angry. "You don't have to believe in a cause to use it to your advantage. I took an opportunity that I saw coming my way, end of story thanks. Any other personal questions I have no interest in answering?"
"So you made a deal with the devil and lost your soul in the process, huh?" Pietro smirked. He could tell that Jonathan was pushing his limits of control and he'd get angry soon. That they could probably use to their advantage.
But the man in question suddenly smirked at Pietro's words as if he knew something they didn't. "I suppose it's a good thing I like playing with fire then. But enough chit chat. She helps me and if you just happen to escape after, well... whoops." He shrugged, unconcerned.
"Sorry but I'm gonna have to say no to your kind offer. HYDRA has used me enough." Wanda spoke, her voice strong and clear. Percy took this as his cue and reached deep with his earth-shaker powers, tearing apart the concrete as if it was paper.
To their surprise his grin only widened and in the dim lighting it seemed as if his irises turned to flames.
He clicked his fingers and a small flame formed which grew into a ball of fire. Daggers of ice which Percy formed from the water content in the air vaporized as he flung them towards Jonathan who only laughed as he casually threw the fire ball towards them. "Pyrotechnic, I'm afraid. Hurting me is going to be just a little bit harder than hurting the others. Sorry about that." His voice hardened, yet a small note of desperation could be heard, "but I really just need Miss Maximoff for all of twenty minutes. The rest of you I could care less about." Twin streams of fire burst from his hands hitting the floor between Wanda, separating her from the boys. "In fact," he continued, "I'd happily tell you where they put the rest of the Avengers as a bit of good will. Get me into trouble with the big guy of course, before you ask, but he can go to hell for all I care. Not that he isn't anyway." He added as an afterthought. Shaking his head as he stopped the stream of fire still pouring from his hands. He was about to say something else when Percy struck. Freezing him in a layer of ice he did something he had only done twice before, the first time In anger and the second with great regret.

During the mess with the Superhero Registration Act he had stopped Bucky by freezing his blood, keeping him in place. He now did the same to Jonathan, holding the man in place as the ice surrounding him melted due to his unnaturally high body heat and intenal fire. He hated this part of his power, hated the absolute control it gave him and right now he hated Jonathan for leaving him with no other choice but to use it.

He didn't look at Wanda or Pietro, unable to bring himself to look at the faces that would undoubtedly be full of fear. Fear of what he could do, what he was capable of.

Addressing Jonathan, he partly unfroze him and asked where the rest of the Avengers were kept. The man grinned. "Either kicking ass on the higher levels or the second floor. Depends on how messed up he's feeling today." Slightly inclining his head, "it seems as if you're in luck though. Big brother isn't home right now."

The door was blasted off its hinges, Tony standing behind it, repulsors still glowing, ready to fire at any moment. "Uh, guys? You can stop Nat now. I found them." Percy, Wanda and Pietro all cringed simultaneously. They did not want to know what Nat had been doing.


Note: I don't actually hate you guys even if it sometimes seems like it. I just hate the fact that it feels like you can't be bothered to take out a minute and let me know what you thought. Feedback is important because it lets authors know what they're doing right or wrong. Also it's very motivational.
Hope you liked the newer version

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