21: Question Time

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"Okay," I finally sighed and shut my eyes. "Before I carry on. I want to know what you... Do you...? You know... Humans?"

He surprised me by laughing. Hard. I leaned back from my position to stare at him. That was a logical question! "What?"

"Oh, honey. You do make me laugh." He pressed his lips to my forehead. "I haven't had human blood since my early years. I vowed not to anymore."


"I drink animal blood. It keeps me going. But of course it will never be equivalent to human blood. There are deer's and elks nearby but if I go far enough there are black bears, moose, bobcats..." He trailed off probably because of my facial expression.


He could take on a bear?

"Is this too much to take in?"

I shook my head briskly and snuggled back up to him. "No. I didn't realize you were strong enough to take on a bear or a bobcat."

"You'd be surprised. Now resume, I have a feeling we're getting closer to where I slipped up."

I smiled at the dashing smirk on his face and lightly pressed my lips to it. His smirk only grew wider. "Come on, Evie before I get distracted." His hand gripped my bare thigh and started travelling higher. "Well?"

I swallowed. "I... Um... I started to get..." I watched as his hand start to disappear under the large t-shirt. "I started to get interested in the attacks so I decided to do a bit of research of my own because the news wasn't giving out much."

His hand paused. "Really."

I nodded and mentally frowned that he'd stopped. But he didn't move so there was still hope yet. "Aside from your odd behavior, I was interested in the attacks and what everyone was saying. Last Tuesday after the parking lot incident there was a news report on another attack nearby and my brother told me that his friend's sister had been attacked. So after that mini detention you gave Kate and me on Wednesday we went to the house."

He raised a brow. "Kate went with you?"

I nodded.

"Resume." He prompted after a moment.

I narrowed my eyes briefly but shook it off. "The girl went on to explain the eyes, the nightmares, the scent, and the face. But she never once mentioned if it was an animal. She always said, 'their' or 'they'. Then after her rambling she'd had a whiff of me and started screaming that I smelt just like them. Then in the car I had a brain wave when I realized that I'd been with you and that you were always there whenever something bad happened. But I couldn't connect it all. On Friday I started internet researching. It came up with some radical things like Werepanthers and witches."

"What kind of stuff was on there?"

"Well, there was this one website about how attacks have happened around this time for years and how the victims had been found drained of blood. I went on to research more and found how the animal or creature some called it had bitten major arteries. I'd written everything down and connected everything to get to a theory. I was literally about to click on vampires when you called me. But without that date we had I wouldn't have come to a rock solid conclusion. I went home and asked Laura about that night she was attacked which, by the way, I have to talk to you about by the way."

He nodded and I continued.

"She'd gone on to explain that you'd given her the same drink I had that made her feel better which I also have to talk to you about." I frowned at him deeply and he glanced away guiltily. "And then she told me a woman had lured her into the forest. It told me about the nightmares, it told me about the black lines on their face which was said on one of the websites and it told me about their eyes. It was all confirmed when I read this very interesting story on this woman who had come across a nice vampire."

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