Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

Sure, I get it. You think being a teenager with super powers is a barrel of laughs; that it’s the best thing that could happen to someone like me. It’s okay, I’d probably think the same if I was anyone else. If I was normal, maybe I’d pick on the freak that spends her days avoiding eye contact and conversation. The weirdo who, despite her hidden good looks, wears only jeans and faded black t-shirts displaying band names that no-one else recognises. The girl who gazes intently at the chewing gum ridden tiles and clings onto her headphones like they’re a lifeline, the only glimmering strand of hope out of the mess she’s drowning in.

If I was normal, maybe I’d hate her too.

Unfortunately, whoever decided to put me on earth the way I am scoffs at convention, and I’m not normal.

Unfortunately, that girl is me.

Did you notice that I mentioned my good looks? If you didn’t, I’m pointing them out again now. Please, hold your horses and try not to judge me until I explain, because I’m not the vain ‘look at me’ type. I’m not wary of accepting that I look good, because my looks are my only quality that I can focus on improving. I can’t change my life, my experiences, my ‘special abilities’, but I can change my appearance.

You must understand that, a little. Even you, as an insider, as someone who doesn’t need to hide, must be able to come to terms with my reasoning. There isn’t much point in me rambling like this if you can’t get your head around what I’m telling you, so I hope you’re being open minded enough to see behind the ‘superhero’ and catch a glimpse of the real me.

There’s not much point in me putting in all the effort anyway, it’s not like anyone ever notices my face. I work way too hard on portraying the anonymous misfit for that. If anyone ever was to take a good look at me though, I’d tell them the truth: I have good looking parents and a lot of time on my hands to make myself look pretty.

Coincidently, that was the first thing I ever said to you that wasn’t a lie. I think you were too shocked to have gotten an entire coherent sentence out of me to actually listen to what I was saying, but it doesn’t really matter. Maybe you’ll remember now.

My looks are pretty pointless, if you think about it. There are all those girls who are popular and moan about how they look, and God decides to make me the natural beauty. I bet he’s having a right good laugh at me now, along with everyone else.

Seriously, if the big cheese himself exists, he’s definitely a sucker for irony. Even the world’s top model couldn’t use her looks to make up for my ‘Superfreak’ status.

I’m the most talked about loner in high school history, but never have I overheard a quick comment in the hallway about the fact that I am actually quite attractive.

You should also know now that I’m not a good talker, and the only listening I tend to partake in is with my iPod. I never had much of a chance to develop my social skills or personality, due to the sad and embarrassing truth that friends have always been like something off TV for me. Having friends was always something I could watch but not take part in, something I could dream about, never quite reaching the reality.

My therapist tells me that my character has ‘obviously been dramatically affected by my abnormalities’ (yes, she says abnormalities – “there’s no point in hiding the truth from yourself, Lizzy!”) but I like to think that somewhere, there’s still a me underneath them that leads a comfortable teenage life with her friends, her designer wardrobe and her family.

...That Lizzy is just really great at playing hide and seek.


Hello again. What does everyone think? Please, leave me a comment! Read! Vote! Like! Tweet! Become a fan! J I’m hoping there’s some amount of suspense in the story at the moment, since none of Lizzy’s story has actually been revealed yet. I know you’re probably thinking that it’s a slow start, but it’s sort of supposed to be that way. Remember, this girl never talks to anyone outside home so it’s hard for her to get straight to the point. She has a lot of feelings and anecdotes to get out of her system. This probably won’t be a story with a lot of characters in it either, but anyway, I hope you like it. Hopefully you want to know what’s going to happen as much as me and you’ll carry on reading! Thanks again, I now give you chapter three.

*The second song: Neat Little Rows – Elbow.*


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