Chapter 2

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*Hope you like it!*

 The next day I wake up in the room I now share with two other boy that were sorted into Slytherin with me. Ethan chase and another student named drew Gilligan. At the moment though I wasn't really worrying about them, I was worrying about what would happen to lily and me. I mean for all I know she was making out with that potter rite now. I knew I didn't want that to happen if it did I would just about die

I mean lily was the only person that I have ever felt a bond or connection like she was like my soul mate or at least my best friend , and I knew from the moment I met her that I was in love with her. 

She was swinging on the old swing in the park with her sister. swinging higher and higher than her sister until the older girl shrieked at her "Lily don't do it!" but lily had already jumped her bright orange hair streamed out behind her like autumn leaves in the breeze  shouting with laughter she  gracefully landed  on the asphalt  "mummy told you not to!" Petunia screeched . Petunia dragged her heels on the ground got up and stood with her hands on her hips "Mummy said you weren't allowed , Lily!"

"But I'm fine,"look at what  I can do", giggily still , always laughing, an opposite of me in every way. Lily burned so bright, so alive, so beautiful.

It was awful. She was awful, in what she made me feel. 

*Wow, so I briefly logged back in, and it's incredible how much can happen in  a few years. This was all that  I had drafted several years ago, and i'm not sure that I can continue it, my own view on the relationship Between Lily and Snape has changed exponentially. I used to consider it a terribly romantic tragedy but now after many years I just can't view it in the same light. I may come back to this and add more if the inspiration hits, but I can make no promises.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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