"Can you see now?" He whispered into my ear.

"Yeah, I can now that I have my glasses." I turned around kissed his cheek. "No I can go and get lunch." I turned back around and was about to walk out of his- our- room before I was spun around and pushed up against the wall.

"What if I want you to stay in here?" He slid his knee in between my legs so I couldn't go anywhere. I groaned as my stomach growled.

"But Tyyyylerrrr, I'm hungryyyyy." I gave him puppy dog eyes and poked my bottom lip out. He sighed and moved away from me.

"Fine." He sighed. "Let's go get something to eat." I smiled triumphantly before I was picked up bridal style.

"H-Hey! Put me down!" He laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Nope. I gotta touch you somehow." I blushed as he laughed again. He carried me to the kitchen and set me on the counter while he looked in the fridge. "Perfect." He pulled out a box of strawberries.

"Tyler I want real food." He laughed and put them back in the fridge and closed it. He opened the freezer and grabbed out pizza rolls. "Oh my god, yes." He laughed and pulled down a plate and placed the whole bag on it. He arranged them to all fit then placed it in the microwave and set the time.

"Now, what to do while they cook," he made a fake thinking face before turning to me and stood in between my legs. "I wanted something sweet, but you'll have to do." I blushed hard as he leaned forward and captured my lips.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he deepend the kiss. His tongue licked my bottom lip and I slowly opened my mouth. He slid his tongue in my mouth and placed his hands on my thighs.

"You're so beautiful Mini." He said pulling away. We stared into each others eyes. We stared leaning forward when there was a ding making us both jump and bumping heads. "Sorry, Mini." He kissed where he bumped my head and moved over to the microwave and grabbed out the pizza rolls.

"Oh my god. I'm so hungry." I went reach or some before Tyler smacked my hands away.

"These are for me. You have to make your own." I whimpered and tugged at the bottom of his shirt.

"Please Tyler?" I gave him puppy dog eyes.

"Anything for you Mini." He kissed my nose and put a roll in my mouth.

"Aren't you guys cute." Tyler and I turned our heads to the kitchen doorway to see Brock standing there.

"Where are you going?" I asked inspecting his outfit. He was wearing a suit completed with a black tie. He blushed slightly and scratched the back of his head.

"Just out."

"Alright have fun." I said. He smiled and walked away.

~Brock's pov~

I left the kitchen and made my way to the secret garage to get the good car. Me and Brian have been talking and I finally asked him on a date. I'm so nervous.

I pulled up in front of his house and got out. With each step I took the more nervous I became. I lifted my hand and knocked on his door. I made sure I looked okay before the door opened.

"Hi, Brock." Brian said smiling. His accent kills me. I looked at what he was wearing. It was similar to mine, but he looked amazing in it.

"Hey." I breathed out.

"How do I look?" He spun around and giggled.

"You look amazing." I told him. He smiled big.

"Are you ready?" He asked. I smiled at him.

Stronger than you thinkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon