Chapter 7

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Patrick's POV:

Fuck, it's getting late and I'm just sitting here, where did Brendon go? I get up suddenly and go to the bathroom.

"Bren, you in there?" I call into the bathroom.

"Yeah, don't come in though!"

"Why, are you naked or something?" I call back

"Urm kinda" He calls.

With that information I go back outside and turn my CD player onto a my chemical romance song.

'No i know I can't make you stay.'

'but where's your heart?'

'but where's your heart?'

'but where's your and i know there's nothing i can say to change that part'

'to change that part'

'to chaaange'

I sigh, I wonder what happened to all those famous people. I heard that only normal people where turned. I should go talk to Gerard and Frank, seeing as Brendon has started singing.

"I'll be back soon Bren" I yell.

"OK" he yells back.

I wonder where they could be, probably training. As I walk I think of my chemical romance, i never knew what they looked like, I only found a CD when i was bored and mooching around.

When I finally get to the training rooms, as i expected Frank and Gerard where sitting in the corner. I walk over to them.

"Patty!" Yells Gerard.

"WHATSUP!" yells Frank.

"Nothing much" I say as i sit down next to them.

"So we where just discussing what our favourite bands are" Gerard informs us.

"I don't know I don't really listen to music much." I say.

"Yeah same" says Frank.

"I found a CD of panic! at the disco in the box" Says Gerard.

"Who are they?" Me and Frank ask at the same time.  

"Oh yeah I don't really know either" Says Gerard, 2but the lead singer has a good voice!"

"Cool, Actually I found a pretty cool band in the box!" I say

"Cool what was there name?" Asks Frank.

"My chemical Romance" I say.

They both freeze.

"Do you know them?" I ask.

"Urm me and Gee have something important we need to do." blurts out Frank.

"Ur yeah we'll see you later Patrick" says Gerard.

Well that was weird, I think to myself, oh well I should head back before Brendon starts being over dramatic.

 GUYSSS no1 commented about Ryden or Brallon, so i'm gunna go with Ryden :)

ALSOOOO special thanks to outofcheese For designing my new front cover.

ANDD go check out Dreammaker_222 because they are AMAZEBALLS.

that is it :) have a nice day.

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