chapter 6

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Patrick's POV:

1 month later

We have our first mission today, i'm not going to lie, i'm terrified. I told brendon but he just laughed and told me to stop worrying.

"Alright, settle down" i look up and see dallon who instructed us a couple of days ago.

"Patrick, Gerard, Frank, Brendon and Spencer, you will be working as a group"

I look over at Brendon who looked really exited.

"omigod Patrick I can't believe it, we are going outside!"

"CHILL" i told an overly exited Brendon.

"But I don't want to chill, I want to go and explore!" he said pouting.

I groan inwardly, why does he have to be such a child.

"Alright recruits go bond" said Dallon.

I learnt that Gerard was the one with the bright red hair, Frank was kinda an average vampire, black hair, a emo look on him. Spencer instantly bonded with Brendon, they where currently talking about music. I guess i would talk to Gerard who was currently talking about how he wanted to change his hair colour.

"So Patrick do you think blue would look good on me?" I look up and see Gerard talking to me.

I smile and politely say "Of course Gerard"

"Call me Gee!" he said a wide smile on his face.

"Ok then Gee!"

"Oh yeah and call this douchepickle behind me FrankieBoy" he said smiling.

"Gee! I told you not to call me that!" I hear Frank protesting.

I smile, well i guess i have two new friends."

After we all talked we were handed earpieces.

"Now then" said Dallon "Always have your earpieces turned on, if anybody gets caught, don't save them, run!"

I stand there shocked, we're not meant to save our friends?

"First mission starts now" Said Dallon with a smile on his face.

"YAY!" yelled Brendon.

"Quiet down forehead boy" said Dallon smiling.

Brendon pouts but smiles when he turns his earpiece on.

"I. OFFICIALLY. CAN'T. WAIT." said Brendon, once we'd gotten back to dorm.

"Yes you can" I say sighing.

"I'm gonna go take a shower" He says.

I lie on my back and stare into space, Peter you'd better stay strong for me.

AAAGH sorryyy I hate school, WELP have a nice short chapter and I will try update more :)


A vampire love. {peterick} (on hold)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum