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I awoke feeling warmth wrapped around me and the subtle noise of snores underneath me. I looked up to see Dante's peaceful face sleeping, my head gently rising and falling on his chest. I lay there just living the perfect morning, I pulled away and rolled away. I headed to the bathroom with a massive smile on my face. I came back to Dante slowly opening his eyes.

"Morning" I happily said

"Morning" he said yawning with a smile then covering his face.

We lay there silence surrounding us comfortably. "Bella, want to play 20 questions?" Dante said breaking the silence, I nodded.

"I'll start, favourite colour?" Dante asks

"White, you?"

"That's a shade you know" smirking to himself " mine is midnight blue like the blue you see in the deepest oceans"

"Who's Jayden?" I ask remembering the name carved next to Dante's.

"He was my best friend"

"Was?" I saw his face turn through a mixture of emotions from sad to blankness

"Yes he died" he said tone holding lack of emotion but face contorted into pain

"My turn boyfriends?"

"Haha trust you to bring up that, ok well one boyfriend his name was josh, you?" I thought that if I seemed open and shown or sounded nothing bad he would leave it alone move on.

"No I haven't had a declared girlfriend before, what do you do for fun?" He asks Curiously, he's never had a girlfriend why? I thought boys tend to have loads of girlfriends.

"I like to play piano, read and I draw" he seemed surprised by my answer.

"I'd like to hear you play and see you draw"

"Well I used to have this sketch book back in Italy, I gave up when I moved here I didn't have time"

The time past as we answered questions about  this and that about our favourite food and music, laughing and having a good time. After about an hour I fell back to sleep next to Dante who was stroking my hair.

I woke up the time was 11:30 am I slept for an extra hour an a half, I sat up and stretched. Looking around I couldn't see Dante anywhere he must of had work to do, I found a pile of clothes for me at the end of the bed. I finished changing into skinny jeans and an oversized white jumper, I walked towards the bedroom  door only for it to suddenly fly open making me stop in my tracks as Dante walks in with a sad/guilty expression, followed behind by two men wearing suits and hard expressions.

"What's going on?" I asked, I had this bad feeling bubbling inside of me.

"I'm sorry Bella" he couldn't even look at me, he clicked his fingers and the two men approached me. I was kicking and screaming.

"WHAT THE FUCK.........DANTE!!" I screamed at him while they dragged me out of the room.


He was looking at the floor still,  just before the door shut on him still stood in the centre of the bedroom he lifted his head and his gaze met mine, his eyes broke my heart but infuriated me further. How could he have me taken away? What's going to happen? I thought he loved me.
The men continued to drag me downstairs and to the front door, I tried to free myself but it was no use. People who past some I recognised and some I don't all have me sympathetic looks. I was taken outside to were a blacked out limo was waiting, I was pushed inside, as I looked up through my window I saw Dante stood in his office looking down at me. My heart broke, shattered into thousands of pieces as we drove away from ..... My home.

The journey was long I didn't have a clock so wasn't sure the extract length but I spent it crying so much that I thought I was going to permanently damage my eyes, I just watched as we past houses, trees, people until we arrived at the airport where I was hauled out of the car. When I was stood there looking at the entrance I just felt sick tears continued to fall down my face, I'm sure people passing by me wouldn't think anything of it people cry all the time at airports ; because of leaving or coming home, seeing loved ones or saying good by to them, holiday trips good or bad.

I said as we entered the building and I spotted a group of my fathers men stood waiting, Arlo being centre front.

"Bella, it so good to see you. We were so worried.. Are you hurt? Are you hungry?thirsty? Do you need anything?" He asks concerned, he looks over me I guess to check I'm ok, he then pulls me into a bear hug.

"I'm fine" I said emotionless.

"Ready to go home?" I guessed I was going home when I saw the sign for the airport but I'm not happy about leaving, I want to stay with Dante. I don't believe he wanted to hurt me his face just was so sad.

We went through to my fathers private jet,  I sat staring out the window feeling tears fill my eyes once more. "Bella would you like some food" one of my fathers men asked I just ignored him, I didn't mean it to be rude but I truly wasn't hungry and I'm to sad to talk. We were soon up in the air, my gaze fell onto New York slowly fading away and with it my freedom and my love.

We landed thankfully everyone even Arlo got the hint I didn't want to talk, soon we were pulling up to my families estate. I looked over the well kept gardens and the mansions stone walls, we stopped outside the front door where my mother and father are waiting.

"Arabella benvenuto a casa" (welcome home) my father said as he approached before pulling me into a hug which my mother soon joined.

"Padre, madre."(mother,father) I say crying uncontrollably.

They pull away and stood in front of me crying, "Ho pensato che morto" (I thought you died) my mother said as she continued to cry. 

"Well I'm not" I reply

"Let's go inside" my father firmly said before continuing "and don't talk to your mother like that!"

"Oh isn't it just great to be home" I whispered to myself so no one could hear. Well it is fucking terrific to be home (sarcasm) It's not that I don't miss my family and I'm glad to see them but I just want to be back in New York.

I want Dante.

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