Chapter Two

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"And that," Sam slides a sketchbook across the floor to me and waves at it. "is how you can tell what sort of demon you're dealing with."

I shift some of my papers to the side and pick up the book. On the page are drawings of eyes. Red ones, black ones, gold ones, ones with pupils like a cat, dark blue glowing ones.

"These are incredible." Sam laughs in embarassment and I smile. "No, really! These are amazing!"

Dean shouts at my television and throws his arms up in the air. "Seriously?! There's no way that bastard made a headshot from that far away!"

"You really shouldn't have let him play that game..." Sam mutters, shaking his head and flipping through a worn, tan leather notebook. The pages were stuffed with clippings and photos. "He's like a little kid."

"Shut up, Sammy!" Dean barks, rapidly mashing buttons on my Play Station 3 controller. Sam shrugs with an amused grin and doodles on his papers. I guess I shouldn't have let him play Fall Out.

I crack my neck before turning my attention back to the papers scattered all over the floor. I look at Sam's sketch book and his eyebrows raise inquiringly.

"Hey Sam, can I have some of these drawings for my notebook?"

He stretches his arms over his head with a slight groan and I hear his back crack. His long, brown hair is tucked behind his ears and just brushing the collar of his grey, v-neck teeshirt. He really does have great hair... "Well, I guess. But, I could just draw those in your book for you, you know?"

"I guess you could at that." I remark, rubbing the ribbon between my fingers and handing him my notebook. He takes it and begins doodling something on the first page. "I don't know about you two, but I'm starving."

"Oooh..." Dean looks up, finally figuring out that he can pause the video game. "Let's order pizza." A huge, childish grin lights up his face and I laugh heartily. A pinging sound causes Sam to check his phone.

"Pizza actually does sound really good." I agree and Dean smiles triumphantly. "What do you think Sam?"

"Pizza's fine, but, Dean," He's gazing at his phone with a mild frown. "I just got a text. From Crowley."

"What the hell does he want? No pun intended." Dean pushes the controller away and stands up. The surly Winchester's lips are pursed tightly.

"Apparently he wants to talk to us about something urgent." Sam shrugs and passes his phone to his brother who glares at the screen.

"Who's Crowley?" I pipe up in genuine curiousity. This is a name I haven't heard yet.

"Crowley is the King of Hell." Sam remarks with a matter-of-fact tone of voice.

"Ah. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You're buddies with an angel, afterall." I reply, condensing the sheets of paper on the floor into one pile and placing it on the coffee table. "Is he a friend of yours?"

"Royal pain in the ass, actually." Dean states gruffly, tossing Sam's phone back to him and turning to me with a grimace. "He used to be a crossroads demon, a deal maker. But, when Lucifer was locked back up in the cage, Hell was in chaos, so Crowley swooped in and took over."

"I thought Hell was supposed to be chaotic." One eyebrow raises on my face.

"That's the general assumption, but, let's not talk about it, okay?" Sam remarks swiftly from behind my notebook.

My eyes roll and I make a mental note to not talk about Hell. "I'm starting to realize that nothing is like people think it is."

"That's what we thought, too, at first." Sam remarks in passing, sending a text and then closing his phone before looking at me. "What's the best pizza place? I'll pay."

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