Chapter One

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Alexandra Ballard stood on the balcony outside her apartment and stared at the city. Her eyes were fixed on a church; it's brick building displayed three white crosses. The two smaller ones flanked the larger one, symbolizing Jesus Christ and the two men who were crucified with him that day. If it had not been for Him, there would be no hope or salvation for humanity. The church, she knew, was calling her. Perhaps not the church itself, but certainly something inside it. She could feel it straight down to her bones, like a hum or the pull of a magnet on metal shavings.

"I have to go there..." Alex whispered to no one in particular as she snuffed out her cigarette and walked back inside.

The angel knew she was coming. He stood quietly, staring up at the cross hung before him. He had been warned about his wavering thoughts and had blatantly disobeyed before. Not out of anger, but perhaps out of doubt. He had suffered greatly for those actions. He'd lost many comrades and failed many friends. He had failed himself, as well. The angel looked up, still hoping for the chance to prove he had faith.

Maybe, he thought, this is a chance to make up for those actions.

Chapter One

"Well, here I am..." I push my bangs out of my eyes and gaze at the massive doors before me, absentmindedly running my finger tips over the cold, brass handles. Anticipation charges through my blood and mind, though I'm not sure why. "Guess it's time for me to find out why."

I pull the doors open and step inside. The church is empty, save one man clad in a tan trench coat and black pants at the forefront of the pews. Along the stone walls candles in are lit, flickering gently between beautiful stained glass windows. My feet pad quietly along the carpet and stop a few feet away from the stranger beneath the cross.

"Hello." I stick my hands in my pockets and rock on my heels. The man doesn't stir. "I get the feeling you might be here for the same reason that I am. Am I right?" I stare anxiously at the cross that he's standing underneath and wait. After a few moments of silence, I frown and turn for the door, feeling irritated and defeated.

"What reason do you think that is?" A gravelly voice stops me and I turn to face the speaker.

The man before me is rather attractive and a blush creeps up my cheeks. The contrast between his dark brown hair and impossibly dark blue eyes is striking. He has a clean shaven face and his lips are a perfect pink cupid's bow.

"Truth is, I don't really know." My arms cross over my chest and I fix my attention on the cross hanging above us, tracing the edges with my eyes. "I just felt like I needed to be here, you know? I've walked past this church so many times and I see it every day, but today I felt like I had to come here." When I look at the man, I find him staring at me with an expression of intense attention and I shift in discomfort. "Guess that's pretty strange, hm?"

He shakes his head. "No. You were called here for a purpose." Those dark blue eyes settle on me heavily. "Alex."

My face contorts in confusion. "How do you know my name?"

"I have known your name since you were born. My name is Castiel, and I am an angel of the Lord. You were brought here to serve a greater purpose."

A slow whistle sounds from my lips. "A guardian angel, huh?" I squint up at the rafters, trying to decide whether or not to feel amused, worried or something other than those two emotions. "Are you serious?"

"I am always serious." His sentences sound faintly spliced together as if this isn't his primary language, I think to myself.

"I gathered that. You're not very up to date on humor and all, are you?"

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