Serpent Hunt

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New York was infested with the slimy pink alien blobs called the Kraang. In an old abandoned building on the outskirts of the city were two men. One was a skinny African American man with a big purple Mohawk and a black body suit with purple streaks covering it, Anton Zeck. The other man was a large buff blonde haired Russian man with his right eye missing, Ivan Steranko.  They seemed to be having a disagreement. "Man Steranko I can't take it anymore here with all these stupid aliens everywhere! It's only a matter of time before we're mutated! We have to get out of this city!" Zeck complained to his comrade. Steranko thought for a moment. Then an idea popped into his head. "We could get Shredder to smuggle us out of this city." He said. "Are you kidding me?! Shredder will never help us after we tried to steal from him!" Zeck nearly yelled. Steranko smirked and pulled something out of a drawer from the desk he sat at. "He will if we give him something he wants." He said as he held out a picture of Leo to his comrade. "Hey it's one of those turtle creatures we fought once." Zeck said. "Yes, this one, Leonardo as he is called, was mutated in to a snake creature making him more powerful. Shredder thinks he'd be a great addition to his army." Steranko told him. "So we get this turtle snake guy and Shredder will help us get out of the city?" Zeck asked. "Precisely." Steranko said. Back with the turtles, the group eagerly awaited the return of Karai, Casey, and Raph. They had snuck into the lair to retrieve some valuable objects. Soon the three came back to the old pizza place they were using as a lair. Each of them carried a box of items. "The mission was a success!" Karai said as they began handing everyone their requested items. Donnie was given chemicals, beakers, and other things from his old lab. Mikey was given the tv along with the remote for it. Karai pulled two things out of her box and walked over to her father. "Father, I managed to get some things for you as well." She said. In her hands she held the picture of her mother, father, and her as well as a picture of all the turtles, the frame it was held in was still broken from the invasion. Splinter took the photos from his daughter. "Thank you very much my daughter." Splinter said to her. "This stuff really makes this place feel more like a home." April said as her and Mikey moved some furniture to face the tv. Splinter sighed as his eyes fell upon the face of his eldest son in the photograph. "Home will never be complete for me without Leonardo." He said sadly. Karai placed a hand on her father's shoulder. "We'll get him back father I promise. We want him back to." She said. "Yeah but where are we gonna find him?" Donnie asked. "I saw him once near the outer parts of the city but I was not in my right mind. I could not help him." Splinter told them. "Well then that's where we'll start!" Raph said with determination in his voice. He was eager to get his brother back. "Well then let's go!" April said. "Sorry April ninjas only." Raph told her. "We gotta be stealthy so we don't scare him away." April sighed angrily and sat back down along with Casey. The rest of them piled into the party wagon and drove off. Fish face and Rahzar knelt in front of the Shredder. "You continue to fail me in the search for the turtle serpent creature." Shredder growled. "Master Shredder with all do respect Leonardo is just so stealthy and the city is so big." Fish face told his master. "We've looked everywhere master Shredder." Rahzar added. "You will find him and bring him to me or I will turn you over to Tiger Claw. That turtle would make a excellent addition to my army." Shredder said. "Yes master." Said the two mutants as they left to continue their search. The turtles and Karai stopped near the outer parts of the city. They all exited the party wagon. "Ok guys this is where master Splinter last saw Leo." Karai said. "Getting any readings Donnie?" Raph asked. Donnie held out a scanner and walked around a little bit. "I'm picking up traces of mutated DNA, scanning now." He said. "That's it! Snake cell slash turtle hybrid DNA sequencing. It's Leo!" He told them. "Oh sweet check it out! Potato chips!" Mikey yelled as he jumped down and began eating them. The others gave him weird and disgusted looks. "Hm kinda stale but not bad. Do I detect sour cream and chives?" He said as he continued eating. "Actually Mikey those are snake scales. Leo must be shedding." Donnie told him. "Alright guys we'll follow the DNA trail. Lead the way Donnie." Karai said. Mikey's face paled as he realized what his brother told him. He sat up disgusted and followed after them.   Steranko and Zeck sat upon a building. Steranko picked up what looked like snake skin. "Snake's skin, he's close." He said as he examined the skin. "Stop messing with that butt nasty skin Steranko. What you want is down there." Zeck said as he pointed over to Leo's serpent form hiding behind another building. "Heh he thinks he's hiding." Steranko said. He raised a gun up and aimed it at Leo. "Now I make him take a little nap. Steady, steady." He said as he aimed the gun. Suddenly Mikey's  face appeared in his view. Steranko jumped back in surprise. "What?! Turtle face?!" He yelled. A shuriken punctured his gun. He looked to where the weapon had come from only to see the turtles and Karai. "Leave Leo alone!" Karai yelled. "Aw man not these freaks again!" Zeck complained. "Freaks? Ha nice outfit, 1987 called it wants it's jumpsuit back!" Raph yelled back at him. "What?! You're making fun of my suit?! I will bust through your dang head!" Zeck yelled as he threw an energy Mohawk at the group. Luckily they all jumped out of the way. Soon they all began fighting. Zeck blasted at them using the guns from his suit. Steranko went over and pulled out a machine gun and blasted at his enemy. Mikey was on the ground next to Leo. He heard explosions coming from the rooftops. He began to get a little worried. He turned to his serpent brother. "Leo you have to stay here. Wait for us! Understand?" Mikey told him as he began to run off. Leo hissed as he saw him leave. A Kraang droid appeared behind him. It's scanner was on. Leo hid behind a dumpster to avoid being seen. Zeck was yelling a bunch weird sounds as he shot at them. "Why's he making those noises?!" Donnie asked. "He's just trying to distract us!" Karai told him as she used her tanto to block a blast. Raph was fighting Steranko. Steranko tried to whack him with his gun. Mikey climbed up the building and began to help his brother. He jumped up and wrapped his kasarigama chain around Steranko's gun in an attempt to get it away from him but Steranko whipped the gun to his side causing Mikey to fall to the ground. Karai and Donnie continued blocking Zeck's blasts. Raph and Mikey were also continuing their assault on Steranko. Steranko took out a set of knuckle dusters and punched Raph in the head sending him flying across the building. Mikey attempted to hit Steranko but he turned around and threw Mikey over past Raph. Raph stood full of rage. A mark from the knuckle duster was left on his forehead. "Why you!!!" He yelled as he ran to attack. Raph kicked and punched at Steranko and finally managed to nail him the face. Steranko stumbled back. When he regained his balance he pulled out a grenade. "Freaks!" He said as he threw the weapon at the two turtles. It exploded causing Mikey and Raph to become stunned. Steranko picked up his gun and aimed it back at Leo who still was hidden behind the dumpster. "Ah it's perfect." He said as he pulled on the trigger but Raph rammed into him causing the shot to miss. The tranquilizer dart hit the dumpster Leo was behind. He hissed at the building before slithering away. Karai noticed him leaving. She kicked Steranko away. "Leo's on the move! We gotta go after him!" She yelled to her brothers. Mikey threw a smoke bomb down and the group disappeared. Steranko and Zeck coughed as they fanned away the smoke. "Ivan not happy." Steranko said. "Man we had that snake in the can!" Zeck whined. "Come, this isn't over yet!" Steranko said as he began to walk away. Fish face rode on a motorcycle as Rahzar jumped across the buildings above. Rahzar stopped and sniffed the air. "I don't smell snake. I smell a different kind of reptile." He laughed as he continued across the rooftops. Leo slithered along the streets making sure avoid the Kraang that roamed them. "What's it look like Donnie?" Raph asked. Donnie looked through his binoculars. "He's moving fast. We gotta get down there!" He said. "Kraang droids are everywhere." Karai said. "Keep it stealthy my ninjas! Let's do this!" Mikey told them. They stealthily walked across the streets. Mikey was stopped part way. "Oh no." Karai said. Worry and fear flowed through her voice. Raph jumped down behind them. "Where's Mikey?" He asked. Suddenly Mikey popped up behind Raph. "I'm right here! You guys are so slow." He said. Everyone gave him an annoyed glare but they were all relived that he was okay. Donnie used his scanner goggles and felt the ground. He saw a trail from Leo on the ground. "He's this way! In the warehouse." He said pointing to a broken building. They quickly ran to it and got inside. The light flickered above them. "Alright guys let's split up and find him." Karai said. They all agreed. "Leo?! You here?! It's us!" Karai yelled. They could hear the faint hissing of a snake. "Leo come out!" Raph yelled. "Where are you?" Donnie said. "We're not gonna hurt you Leo, we wanna help!" Mikey called. "Leo come out!" Karai yelled again. "We'll find a safe place for him to stay." Karai told Mikey who was following her. "So what are we gonna do when we find him, invite him back to the lair for pizza?" Raph asked Donnie who walked next to him. "That's a good question. The retro mutagen still isn't finished." Donnie answered him. Suddenly he heard the beeping of a Kraang droid behind him. He turned to see a group Kraang droids with their guns ready. He quickly took out his staff and got in a fighting stance. Raph joined him along with the others. "Oh great another Kraang droid party." Raph said as he took out his sais. The others took out their weapons as well. "Take them down before they alert more!" Karai yelled to everyone. Suddenly Leo slithered out and destroyed all the Kraang droids. Donnie blocked a robot head that came at him with his staff. "Um thanks..." He said feeling uneasy being this close to his serpent brother. Leo came up and hissed in Donnie's face. Mikey jumped down from above. "It's okay Leo it's me Mikey, your brother." Mikey said in a calming tone. Leo continued to hiss at them. "Leo remember us. We're your family. Remember who you are!" Karai said as she jumped down. "He's becoming more snake like by the hour. He doesn't understand Karai." Donnie told her. Leo's snake hands hissed at him. "He understands Donnie! You're changing Leo, we wanna help you." Karai said calmly. Leo hissed at her but Karai stood expressionless. Leo reeled back. "Karai..." He hissed in a snake like voice. Suddenly he turned back to his normal self but with a few changes. A mutant turtle with a whitish blue mixture added to his emerald skin. Tiny scales were visible all over his body. Fangs and and fork tongue showed in his mouth. He opened his eyes to reveal dark blue snake eyes. His blue mask and weapons still covered his body.  "Woah." Mikey gasped. "Help me... Please..." Leo said with a dash of fear in his voice. "Come back with us Leo." Karai said as she reached out to him. Leo backed away. "No... Too... Dangerous..." He said. Suddenly they heard a voice come from above them. "I told you I smelled turtles!" Rahzar said to Fish face who stood next to him. They both jumped down and walked over to Leo. "Looks like they made our job a whole lot easier." Fish face said. Leo's eyes narrowed as he shifted back to his serpent form. He lunged at Fish face but missed. Fish face then turned around and clamped a shocker collar around Leo's neck. Leo hissed in pain as he fell unconscious. "Leo no!" Karai yelled as they tried to run after him. "Have a whiff of poison turtle scum!" Fish face yelled as he threw a poison bomb at them. Karai began coughing. She heard Raph coughing behind her. He grabbed her arm and pulled her away. "Come on we gotta get moving!" He yelled. They all ran upstairs to higher ground. Mikey spun his nunchucks around to fan away the poison. "We can't let them get away." She said weakly. Rahzar held Leo as he and Fish face went to return to Shredder. Leo had reverted back to his normal self. From a rooftop Zeck looked through his powered glasses to see they were holding Leo. "What is going on Zeck?" Steranko asked. "Ha our bargaining chip is about to come right through that door!" He told him as he ran off to retrieve Leo. "Nice job back there amigo. I'll take him to master Shredder." Fish face said as he took Leo from Rahzar and loaded him on his bike. "Wait why do you get to take him to master Shredder?" Asked Rahzar. "Because you are too big and boney to ride this bike." Fish face answered as he finished securing Leo on the bike. "Watch it toshimi lips!" Rahzar said as he pushed Fish face away from the bike. "Hey get your claws off me!" Fish face yelled at him. They both took out their weapons and got ready to fight. Suddenly Zeck dropped down on the bike and sped away. "Thanks for the ride fellas!" He yelled. Rahzar and Fish face stood in shock. The turtles and Karai climbed to the roof of the warehouse. "Look there he is!" Raph yelled pointing at Zeck speeding away. "No, Leo!" Karai said reaching her arms out as to try to grab Leo and pull him back. Zeck pulled up to where Steranko was waiting. "Oh nice work comrade! Not only did you get the snake turtle but you managed to steal a cool looking motorcycle as well." Steranko exclaimed. "I barely made it man, the streets are full of Kraang! Let's dial up Shredder and get the heck outta here!" Zeck said. Steranko took out a phone and dialed Shredder's number. Zeck looked at his shoulder as a cockroach suddenly appeared on it. Shredder answered. "Hello it's Steranko." Steranko said into the phone. Zeck tried to tell him about the roach on shoulder but Steranko waved him off. "You got a cockroach on your-" He began. "Stop it! Shush it's Shredder." Steranko interrupted. "We have the snake turtle. We'll make a deal at the docks in one hour. Goodbye." He finished. "All is going according to the plan." He told Zeck. The turtles and Karai stood at the docks. "Donnie you're sure they're here?" Karai asked. "Yeah. I planted a whole bunch of spy roaches on Steranko during the fight and there's still one little guy left. They're definitely down there." Donnie answered. Zeck stood waiting for Shredder. "So the the thief who stole from me wants to make a deal." Shredder said as he walked out of the shadows with his henchmen. "Where is the creature?" He asked. Zeck pointed to where Steranko led Leo out using a shock collar. Shredder smirked under his mask. "You get us out of this city safe you get the creature. That is our deal." Steranko said. "I don't make deals. But perhaps this is worth the acceptation. Give me the creature and you will leave this city alive." Shredder said as his henchmen stepped closer to them. "Let him go and I'll let all of you walk away alive!" Karai yelled as she and the turtles jumped down to fight. Fish face ran and attacked Zeck. "Back off fish man!" Zeck yelled. The turtles attacked Shredder but they were soon knocked away. Karai stood facing the Shredder. She gripped her tanto firmly. "Karai I do not wish to fight you." Shredder said to her. "Well too bad!" She yelled as she swung her sword at him. He blocked all of her attacks. "Don't you understand, Splinter is weak and could never have cared for you the way I did." He  said. "Never speak of my father!" She yelled. Soon the turtles were up and helping her. Rahzar went after Steranko smashing his face into crates. "Give him to me and the pain will stop." Rahzar said. "Attack vicious snake creature!" Steranko yelled as he held Leo up in front of him. "Coward!" Growled Rahzar. Zeck blasted at Fish face but he dodged them. "You talk too much and that says a lot coming from me." Said Fish face as he jumped to attack Zeck. Zeck shot an energy Mohawk at Fish face knocking him into the water. He did a victory dance but Fish face jumped back up and kicked him in the face knocking him unconscious. "Ah that's better. I can finally hear myself think again." Fish face sighed. Karai and the turtles continued their attack on Shredder but they were all knocked away easily. Shredder spotted Leo still being handled by Steranko. "The creature." He said and began to walk toward them. Karai jumped down and attacked him before he could reach them. "Don't touch him!" She yelled as she swung at Shredder more aggressively this time. She struck him a few times but was still knocked back. Shredder went to finish her off but the other turtles stopped him. Karai was breathing heavily. She looked over and saw Leo still held by Steranko. "Leo!" She gasped before running after him. She took out Rahzar and Steranko then ran over to Leo. She freed him from the shock collar and took his head in her hands. "Leo you have to go! Hurry, don't let them take you!" She told him. Leo pointed a snake hand out towards the water. "Comet. Comet." He hissed before jumping into the water. "Comet? What does that mean?" She asked aloud. She stared out at the water for a few moments before Raph called her. "Karai we have to go!" He yelled. She ran over as Mikey threw a smoke bomb and they disappeared. Shredder looked around only to see that they'd vanished. He walked over to where Fish face and Rahzar held Zeck and Steranko captive. He glared at the prisoners. "Someone must pay for this! Take them to Stockman's laboratory!" He yelled. The turtles and Karai stood at the backside of the docks. "What happened back there?! We had him!" Raph said. "It was too dangerous Raph and we'll find him." Donnie told him. "He gave me a clue where he is though. He pointed east and said comet." Karai told them. Steranko and Zeck were brought into the lab. Stockman flew around and got everything ready for Shredder's plan. "Some excellent DNA to be splashed with, don't you agree." Fish face laughed. "I wouldn't wanna be a warthog." Laughed Rahzar. "I don't wanna be a mutant I'm too handsome the ladies love me!" Cried Zeck. "You stole my sacred helmet and cost me that creature. Your fates are sealed!" Shredder growled. "No no Shredder how long have we known each other? Ten years yeah?" Steranko said. Shredder narrowed his eyes. Stockman added the warthog DNA into the mutagen. "Anton Zeck is first! For. Stealing the Kuro Kabuto!" Declared Shredder. Zeck cried out as he was thrown in. He screamed as he felt his body changing. Steranko watched in horror. Finally his mutation was complete. "Oh no! Look at me! I'm a dang warthog." Cried Zeck as he looked at himself.
"And now Ivan Steranko, my old friend. Your animal is appropriate." Said Shredder. "Let's be reasonable. I'm more useful to you as a normal guy not a mutant!" Said Steranko. Shredder nodded to Rahzar to throw him in. Steranko tried to run away but Rahzar pushed him in. He screamed as he fell and was mutated. Steranko opened his eyes as his mutation finished. "Oh I don't feel so good. Oh no! Look at me!" He cried. "They turned us into freaks!" Yelled Zeck. They both screamed out in agony.

Serpent LeoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang