He shrugged and continued to focus on what Amy was saying, something about a vampire t.v show.

As the bell rang I kissed Jace goodbye and headed towards class with Amy. The walk was silent, and I decided to start a conversation.

Bad idea. I was always been bad at starting up conversations.

"So what are your plans for the summer?" I asked.

"We might go up north to grandma's as usual, I'm not sure."


So much for making the walk less awkward. It was weird, we were always talking and it was never awkward between us two, there was always something to talk about with Amy and her gossip. I figured she was having a bad day.

The rest of the day went by as normal. I just ignored the awkward tension in the air and acted like everything was just as it always was.

"Ugh!" I groaned as soon as I slammed the front door shut to my two story house. I remembered that tense moment by my locker this morning in school. I forgot to ask Jace and Amy what happened.

I would just have to ask them about it tomorrow, I decided. I walked in the kitchen and inhaled the refreshing scent of vanilla cupcakes my mom was baking in the oven.

"Hi mom", I kissed her cheek as I grabbed a bar of chocolate, shrugging off my backpack.

"Hey honey, change out of your school clothes, the cupcakes will be ready by then and you can help me decorate them."


I finished eating the chocolate bar and made my way to my room upstairs. I changed into some sweats and a tank top then hopped down the wooden stairs. I walked in the kitchen where the counter was covered in cupcakes ready to be decorated. My mother used to own a cupcake store downtown and I would usually help her when I was free. I pulled my chocolate curls back in a messy bun and made my way around the kitchen counter.

"So how was school?" She asked as I picked up a piping bag.

"It's the last week so nothing big really happens; there might be a party at the end of the week though."

"Are you planning on going with Jace and Amy?"

"I don't know...I mean, you know me, I'm not a big party person." I only went to parties if I was forced to by Jace, or more often Amy.

She just nodded and continued decorating some more cupcakes.

I got tired after a while and headed up to my purple room; I lay on my bed and started on my homework.

Dinner was quiet as always, my parents believed that eating while talking was "inappropriate" and so no one really said anything, unless we had guests over. I sat down on my usual seat, the seat in front of me was empty, as always. My sister Jade never sat down with us during dinner time; she was always out partying with her friends even though she was underaged. She was still a junior but since that was the last week she considered herself a senior already, and anyway, it wouldn't have made a difference since she hung out with the seniors more than the juniors.

After dinner I sat with my father and watched TV with him until I was tired of hearing gunshots every two seconds. I kissed him goodnight then walked through the kitchen arch . "Have you seen Jade today?" My mom asked after I kissed her goodnight.

I shook my head and gave her my most reassuring smile, hoping she wouldn't get too stressed over it.

I walked up to the bathroom and took a shower after I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I pulled on my pajama pants and a pullover; I walked out the bathroom then stopped when I heard the front door slowly open and close. I peeked out from the stairs and watched as my sister sneaked her way up the stairs.

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