CHAPTER 11: Matrimony

Start from the beginning

Lovino kept dancing thinking Antonio was just another customer and didn't pay much attention either. He actually wanted to be with Antonio at the moment; just laying in bed with him. As he was dancing he thought his customer seemed familiar, but couldn't quite figure it out. Lovino continued to give Antonio his dance for another five minutes and when he was done, he got up and began to walk in the direction of his office.

Lovino barely got a foot away before he was yanked back down onto Antonio's lap. Lovino yelped and was about to punch the Spaniard to death when he was kissed. He froze and stared at the "stranger" kissing him and didn't know what to do. Slowly he removed Antonio's sunglasses and relaxed when he recognized it to be his fiancé. Lovino melted into the kiss and slowly grinded on Antonio to rile him up. Antonio enjoyed it and made noises he didn't intend to do. Lovino smirked against the kiss then pulled away, panting lightly.

"You should've told me you were-a coming tonight. Also, why-a haven't you been-a home? I've-a been very lonesome without-a you..." Lovino moved strands of hair from Antonio's face and had a look of concern. Antonio grabbed his hands and kissed them before looking at Lovino.

"I... I've been really nervous lately, so I went to stay at mis amigos house for a couple days... I've been worried to accidentally upset you and something happen... I'm sorry I haven't been home..." Antonio downcast his eyes and had a sad smile. Lovino cupped Antonio's face and lifted his head to kiss him passionately. Antonio closed his eyes and enjoyed the kiss he'd been wanting from his little tomato. Lovino pulled away after a bit and had a gentle smile.

"It's-a fine, Antonio. Just-a, come home tonight, alright? I have to-a get back to work now. See you later, idiota. Ti amo." Lovino had a small giggle after that and Antonio smiled big and bright.

"Te amo, Lovi!" Antonio waved goodbye to Lovino and Lovino turned around to wave back. The night went on and the Prussian, Spaniard, and French were drunk off their asses. Gilbert was cackling for no reason, Francis was flirting with one of the waiters, and Antonio was in his own little world. Lovino came back to check on them, but when he saw the condition of Francis and Gilbert he had a "nope" moment and turned back around. Antonio saw him and got up, barely, to go talk with Lovino. He stumbled over and collapsed on Lovino's back. The Italian was about to throw him off when Antonio made a groaning noise.

"Lovino... I don't *hic* feel so well... Can you help me get up*hic*stairs..? Por favor..."

Lovino turned his head to see Antonio better and noted that he didn't look well at all. 'Too much damn tequila...' Lovino thought as he sighed and helped Antonio up to their house. When Lovino finally got the drunk one upstairs he took him to the bedroom and laid him down on the bed. Antonio groaned more and was sweating profusely. Lovino felt his forehead and noticed he was burning up. 'Is he sick now? How much did the bastard drink?!'

"Hey bastardo, how much did you drink?"

"I had... I think... Tweeeelllvvve tequilaaaaas..."

"Twelve?!?! That is-a way too many!!! You really are an idiot! Why would-a you do that?!"

"Lo siento, Loviiii... I couldn't stop... I'm going to regret it now though... I feel like I'm about to-" Antonio rushed out of bed and zipped past Lovino. Lovino watched him skid into the bathroom and heard the door slam. Lovino sighed and walked over toward the door where he could hear the awful and painful sounds coming from Antonio. Lovino had a look of worry when he opened the door and it increased when he saw Antonio panting heavily.

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