1.1 - A Hard First Day

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It had gotten better over time, though. After spending several months in the same house, it really made Olivia get used to it; the smells weren't as bad as she first got back. But it still wasn't easy.

"Here." Elena said, moving over to pass her sister a mug of coffee. Taking a sip of her own as she did.

"Thanks." Liv replied, taking a massive gulp. The one main thing she learned from Lexi was that Coffee was gold when it came to the skin temperature of a vampire – having enough Coffee will stop your skin from being as cold as it usually would.

Olivia didn't turn around, but she could hear Jeremy coming down the stairs. She's had the chance to hear how heavy everyone walks, especially with being trapped in her room, and he definitely was not the lightest of them all. She tensed when Jenna walked past her, the ginger's scent drifting under her nose inconspicuously.

"Is there Coffee?" Jeremy announced his presence to the rest of the room. He looked all ready for school but a bit ruffled, you couldn't really tell whether he wanted to go to school or not.

Aunt Jenna began to stress, "It's your first day of school, and I'm totally unprepared." She rushed over to her bag lying on the dining room table, it was placed in the connection between the living room and kitchen. As she did this, Jeremey went over to Elena, stealing the mug of coffee from her hands.

Elena sent him a small glare but didn't really put much effort into it. She sighed, shaking her head before making herself a new cup – making it a bit steamier than the last.

Jenna went back over to the three, "Lunch money?" She questioned, holding out several five-dollar bills ready for the taking.

"I'm good, Jen." Olivia shook her head – there was no way she was going in that 'human-invested' room that had over a hundred bodies in it at a time. You'd be expecting a massacre with her entering it. She wasn't ready for something like that. She could barely go to 'The Grill' without having urges, it was that bad.

"I'm okay, too." Elena waved it off too, sending their Aunt a thankful look anyway.

Jeremy, on the other hand, took the whole lot when he realised neither of his sisters wanted any of it. He knew what he was going to use it for ... and it wasn't for lunch.

"Anything else?" Jenna wondered, going back over to her bag, trying to think if there was something she had forgotten – she was sure there was something ... "What am I missing?" She asked herself this time.

Olivia swallowed the cereal in her mouth, "Wasn't there some kind of school thing you had today?" She remembered vaguely a few weeks ago about Jenna mentioning something along those lines.

Elena nodded, remembering a little too, "A presentation or something, wasn't it?"

A look of realization crossed Jenna's face, "I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at..." She looked down at her watch, and her eyes widened at the same time, "Now - crap!"

"Jenna, just go." Olivia placed her bowl in the sink, speaking for everyone. Jenna had a life too, she didn't want their Aunt to now have to revolve her whole life around them. "We'll be fine." She continued to sip down the rest of her coffee.

Jenna gave one look of gratitude towards them before literally sprinting out the door, and it was only a couple of seconds later that Olivia heard the familiar car engine making its way down the road in a very hasty manner.

As Olivia placed her mug into the sink, on top of her empty cereal bowl, Elena turned to Jeremy. He was currently drinking away at his coffee, grabbing a couple cereal bars in the process. "Are you okay?" Elena asked, concerned. Her soft doe eyes looking at her little brother with worry.

Dawn of a New Day || Stefan SalvatoreWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt