.Remembering Sunday.

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I woke up. I was in my lonely bed, with the white sheets perfectly placed in the other side. I was dreaming with him.

I put my shoes on, and with all the tiredness taking over my body, I start making my through the house. Everything was so calm and quiet. Not in the relaxing way, no. In the depressing way.

Everything was so depressing here. I was depressed. So much. I was trying to drown my sadness in alcohol, but it didn't work. So I tried over and over again. I haven't been sober for days.

I went to the park to get a little recomforted by the nature. The breeze hit my face coldly, and I forgot to bring a sweater.
It didn't matter, anyway, I felt cold even if I was in the hottest place.

I started to walk, and I remembered that sunday we spent together. It seemed so warm. I fell to my knees breaking in tears. We had breakfast in our home. Just some eggs and orange juice, as simple as that sounds, but it meant the world to me, just the thought of me being with him. But these two eggs couldn't make my life. I needed more time.

Now, this place seems so familiar to me.
I remembered he took my hand and pull it. His hands were so soft, i felt like my hand was in a little heaven. But he had this devilish grin in his face, that got me so confused. And he started to lead me upstairs, I was still confused. He lead me upstairs, and left me there. I was dying to get in.

I started to walk around and though, that maybe the neighbours had seen him around.
I knocked on some doors, saying the same words each time.
"Oh, forgive me for interrupting you if you were doing something, but I'm trying to find my calling. That one I'm calling at night.
See, I don't mean to be a bother or something like that, but have you seen this guy?" I handed a photo of him, smiling, that smile that used to make my days brighter, then continued.
"I've seen him in my dreams every night, and it's driving me crazy, it seems.
I'm gonna ask him to marry me."

I remember, one night we were in a deep talk, he told me he didn't believe in love. But I didn't care, I was determinated in call him my bluff, my light in the dark, my farol in the middle of the sea. Because that's how I felt, and it was beautiful. Who could deny this butterflies, they're filling my gut, and made me feel so special?

I plead, and though I try, I'm only denied. Now I'm dying to get inside.

When I wake up the neighbors, I only see unfamiliar faces.
And another again, I'm trying:
"Oh, forgive me for interrupting you if you were doing something, but I'm trying to find my calling. That one I'm calling at night.
See, I don't mean to be a bother or something like that, but have you seen this guy?" the photo that used to make my days brighter, only made it worse.
"I've seen him in my dreams every night, and it's driving me crazy, it seems.
I'm gonna ask him to marry me."

I finally got a response from that people that lived around.
They said he moved away. Now I see why it has been raining all day.
I didn't think much of it then, but it's starting to all make sense.
Now, I know it all. I know that all of these clouds are following me on my desperate endeavor, to find my whoever, wherever he may be.

>>I see that he is missing me so much, but I'm not coming back.
That may sounds so selfish, but I've done something so terrible.
I'm terrified to speak, but he probably saw it coming from me.
I'm so confused, just like everything is mixed inside me. My force will be taken out of me.
And this rain, is washing you out of my hair. And out of my mind, as well.

I'm keeping an eye on the world, so, so many thousands of feet off the ground.
I'm over you now, here, in my home in the clouds, seems like heaven. Towering over your head, in paradise.<<

Now, that I've figured out everything, I think it's time to go home now.

All Time Low - Remembering Sunday


A/N: Guess who.

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