.Truth or Dare.

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We were at the tour bus, 7/7 of My Digital Scape. And we were bored as fuck.

"Hey, we should play truth or dare, to get a little fun" Shannon suggested.

We all agreed because, come on, truth or dare.

It started with normal dares, like eating deodorant or having weird drinks.

"Go on Kyle, spin the bottle" Bryan shouted when I finished my dare. I did what I was told, and guess on who landed. A pretty little bitch called Johnnie Guilbert.
As the bottled stopped on him, Johnnie tensed up and started to blush like a roasted tomato. ()

Time to make my special move.

"Okay Johnnie, truth or dare?"

"Only losers chose truth, so I'll go with dare" He was trying so hard to sound like he wasn't having a mental war.

"Well, I dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven... with me" Too confident? Maybe.

"Y-y-yeah, o-ok" he stuttered.

We left the room and locked ourselves in the bathroom.

Once we were alone I started talking as I saw he was shaking and he was so tensed up. Did I caused that? "Hey dude, we don't have to do anything if you don't want to. Bryan just theatened me that if I didn't tell you how I feel, he would"

"What do you feel Kyle?" Now I was the one who was shaking.

"I liked you since I first saw you. Kind of a crush. And all it did was growing bigger and bigger." Now I was panicking, but in the inside. I don't like to show my emotions too much.

He just stayed silent. I started to get up from the bathroom floor but he grabbed my hand tightly. He started to get close to me and finally kissed me. Of course I kissed back.

The kiss got deeply and passionate so fast, and we separated to breath. And we kissed again. This one was even more passionate. I wanted to do this since I met him.

We let ourselves go, and had some fun.

"Now follow me down to it. Nobody will know how you come and you for it.
Not gonna get dangerous, you don't got to worry about us
Somebody to give what you get
And you get what you need now"

"Kyle, it would be so nice to know you"


An hour later we got out of the bathroom. It was supposed to be 7 minutes, right?
I felt like I was getting papped. Bryan and Jordan were filming (snapchat for sure) and the rest were taking pictures.


I looked at Johnnie and he nodded.

"It was amazing"


Later we were watching netflix, and I noticed Johnnie was nervous whrn somebody mentioned what happened between us. So I sit next to him and said:

"You know, you don't need to be so worried. Even though below I'm still thinking bout' it. After all, we're all friends here"

"This will be our dirty little secret"

Marianas Trench - Truth or Dare.

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