When we reached inside his car, I sighed and pull my beanie off my head in an angry manner.

Why can't they just leave me alone?

I sighed before leaning back into the lavish seat. I had chosen this life. Therefore I needed to accept the baggage that it has, right? Complaining won't get me anywhere.

As he started the ignition, I could feel his warm hand on my thigh, so I took it and placed it into mine. I had needed some sort of serenity right now, and I guess Kai was the only thing I could get close to it right now. I could only sigh as I rested my head onto the window, watching the hustle and bustle of the city slowly come to an end then replaced by tall trees and twilight.

"Where is this?" I muttered sleepily, eyelids already threatening to fall.

I could feel a wet sensation on the back of my palm and I knew it had placed a chaste kiss on top of it.

"Don't fall asleep on me, princess." He teased.

I just kept still, shocked by the impromptu kiss he had given me, even though when it was just on my hands.

Silly me.

"We're here." He says a moment after, the warmth from his fingers already lost as he pulls his key out and jogged over to my direction to open the car seat for me.

Once again he surprises me when he easily slipped his fingers through mine, pulling me up on his the hood of his car.

"What are we-"

Clearly, my face was surprised by the view before us. Beautiful city lights lined upon the ground before us, illuminating the dark night. To this, my heart becomes more calm and settled, not even thinking of the encounter with those paparazzi and the aftermath of it.

My lips curved to form a smile.

"This is wonderful." I say.

Kai leans back onto his car's front window and reaches a hand out to me.

"C'mere." Were the simple words that escaped his lips, and I didn't think twice about leaning into his warm body.

Gently, he placed a hand around my waist and held my body against his, the soft hums of the crickets keeping us company on this sole night. I kept my head on his chest and snuggled even closer when a breeze swept by.

"I don't like the way the male model looked at you." He started, and I rolled my eyes. I have been doing that lately and I'm surprised my eyes didn't rolled out of its sockets yet.

"I wasn't interested in him." I yawned, shutting my eyes.

"Do you always get those looks from them?"

"Hmm. Sometimes they even ask for my number."

I could feel him stiffen.


"Really." I confirmed his suspicions.

"Well when another male model asks you that question again you can just tell that you have a boyfriend that would gladly break their fake-"

"Woah, woah, woah! You don't have to get so physical for me." I grinned and shook my head.

"And you're not even my boyfriend." I said quietly, my eyes still shut.

"Weren't my actions today boyfriend material enough?" He asks and I opened my eyes to this.

"What?" I stared at him and raised a brow, confused. What the heck was he trying to say?

"I like you princess." He confessed.

Okay, what?!

My breath quickens and I started to panic. He likes me. The Kim Kai likes me. A fucking Mafia boss likes me? What the heck does he even sees in me?

I got out of his hold and stared at him with my eyebrows furrowed.

"You're in a gang. I have a freaking child. You do the math. I am not interested in investing my feelings when my son would get hurt in the end of the day." I said loud and clear, hopping off the hood of his car to get back to civilisation before one of his nemesis kills me. I've read these kind of news before, I wasn't stupid.

"Take me home." I knew it I was being harsh, but I couldn't help it. It was for the best for both of us. I hope when he realise how much of a pain in the arse I'm being, then maybe he would be turned-off by me and go to other women. That's what he is right? Just some Mafia boss whom enjoys killing time by playing around with women.


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