Same chapter but i cant delete it?..

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Alright guys! So this is a new kind writing that I'm trying out. I've never really written a love/fanfic story before, but I hope you guys enjoy this first chapter!! And please leave feedback!! And if you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear!! :)

*Beep* *Beep* "Ugh." I sleepily moaned. I fluttered my eyes open and was immediately overwhelmed with the smell of bacon. "Well at least i have something to look forward to this morning." I said to myself. I slowly got out of bed, and turned my alarm off. I stretched my arms, and yawned.

"Hey mom." I said, as I walked into the kitchen. "Good morning! You ready to go to your favorite place?" She smiled. "Ha ha, very funny." I said sarcastically. I grabbed a couple pieces of bacon and some french toast and sat down. "Thanks for breakfast." My mom smiled. "Anything to make your morning less miserable." She replied.

Today was my first day of 12 grade. And if you haven't already figured it out, I HATE school. "Oh Lydia, at least it's your last year of school!" She said cheerfully, as if reading my thoughts. "I know." Alec walked in the room. "You ready for school!" He laughed. "Shut up!" I told him. "Hey don't talk to your brother like that." My mom told me. "I always have,...why stop now!?" I laughed. It annoyed me though, since Alec was sick, he didn't have to go to school for a couple of days. I almost felt like giving him a couple of hugs, so I could catch whatever he had.

After i got dressed and put my hair into a ponytail, I took the dog out. We had a boxer, who was only 4 months old. I stood outside waiting for him to do his business, while i suddenly wondered where my dad was? Probably in bed. He had taken the day off, supposedly to make us breakfast and say goodbye, but of course my mom was stuck doing all the work, like usual. I swear my dad is the laziest person ever. "Ok, come on Otis!!" I whistled and he came running to me. "Good boy Otis! His little tail wagged back and forth crazily, which made me laugh. I took him inside and got ready to leave for school.

"Here I'll drive ya!" My mom said as I walked out of the door. "Nah its Ok, I can walk." "No I want to drive you!" I followed her to her car, and hopped in. The school was only 15 minutes away if you walked, but i let my mom drive me. Yes, I'm in the 12 grade and I don't have a car yet. Lets just say that we weren't the richest family.

I got to school a couple of minutes before the bell had rung. Perfect timing, I thought to myself. I didn't want to be there early, and have to mingle with anyone. My first class was social studies. I looked down at my schedule, and saw that the teachers name was Mr. Zuckleberry. Well this outta be interesting. I already knew where the classrooms were, since I had gone to the open house. This was my first year at this school. I have been living in Georgia for a couple of years now, but right before the new school year, we had moved. We still lived in the same general area, but we moved just far enough, to where I had to go to a new school.

I walked in the room, and took a seat towards the back. People were still filing into the room, when i saw the teacher walk in. He was very tall and skinny, and had bright silvery hair. "Alright class. Everyone take a seat and lets begin. Today we will be talking about how this classroom will be run." i sighed again. Same old, same old, first day speech. I tuned him out, and began inspecting who I would be going to school with.

I looked towards the front of the room, and noticed a group of girls, giggling and passing notes. Ok, so there's your popular/bratty group, I thought to myself. I looked to the other side of the classroom, and saw a couple of guys, talking, and staring at the laughing girls. And there's your popular guys. Then i looked in front of me and notice a couple of guys just whipering. I tuned in to what they were saying, and heard them talking about video games. Believe it or not, those have always been the kind of people that I've hung out with. I've never really liked to hang out with girls, because they too girly, and there's too much drama. I just felt like i fitted in with the boys better. And plus I've always loved video games, and playing outside, getting dirty. I guess I'm a tomboy. I know I sound lame, and I've always been more of a loner, but im ok with that. I wasn't a real social person, unless I was very comfortable around you.

Then i looked to my right, a couple more normal looking people.. I continued looking and that's when I spotted him. Sitting towards the back, was a boy that for some reason stood out from the others. He had long-ish brown hair, and was wearing jeans, and a plain gray long sleeve shirt. The shirt was a little tight, revealing his muscles. He was staring blankly towards the front of the room, with a frown on his face. I had to admit, he was pretty cute. All of a sudden though, he glanced at me, and I quickly looked away. How long had i been staring him? Now it was his turn. I could feel his stare, but I tried my best to resist the urge to look back over at him. Instead, I started listening to the teacher again.

"And now, I wanna do a little activity real quick that will help you get to know everyone. I want you one by one, to stand up and introduce yourself." He finished talking and pointed to someone in the front of the class. "Hi! I'm Alex, 18 years old, and I play football." He sat back down, and next, a girl stood up. Well this is just great, I thought to myself. Once it got to me, I slowly stood up. "Umm, I'm Lydia Yates. 17 years old." I left out the hobbies part for some reason and sat down. The person I had been staring at earlier, didn't even bother to get up. "I'm Daryl." Hmmm, so his name was Daryl! I saw him look over at me, catching me staring at him again, but this time I held his stare. He had bright blue eyes. Wow, were they beautiful. Finally I broke the stare, and looked down. Suddenly, the bell rang, and I saw him leap up and dash out of the classroom in a hurry. Well that was odd...

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