24 ; a glimpse of reality

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The sky was really beautiful that day.

Fuyu ran across the forest, carrying the oh so important scroll Tsunade had ask her to send to the Snow Islands. Geez, couldn't she send someone else? Fuyu halted when she realised something.

This will be the first time she is going to the Snow Islands. She's going back home, to her kingdom, to her people. Fuyu let out a huge sigh, the wind causing her red hair to dance along with it as she continued to run towards the jetty to the Snow Islands.

As she slowed down her speed upon reaching the jetty, she pulled her hood to cover her whole face. Funny, this reminded her of her first meeting with Kakashi. Fuyu couldn't help but let her face turned pink upon remembering the incident. Snapping herself from the memory, she entered the jetty and bought herself a ticket. The Fuyuhana got herself a good seat, one that allowed her to be all alone while she could enjoy the beautiful scenery of the ocean. Not to mention that it was almost sundown, so she could enjoy the magnificent painting of the orange sky as it slowly turns dark.

She should have just sneak into the Snow Islands as how a shinobi should, but she wanted to enter the land like a normal civilian. Besides, secretly entering her hometown sounded quite hillarious.

"I've never seen you before." Fuyu turned to her right and was greeted by an old woman, probably as old as Tsunade. "Where are you from?"

"Konoha." Fuyu gave her a warm smile. The woman nodded before she bombared the girl with more questions. "Why is someone from Konoha coming to the Snow Islands?"

"I have some business to do here."
"What's your name?"
"....Momo." Fuyu was surprised by the name she chose to use. Her mother's own name.....

"Somehow, the name Momo doesn't suit your personality. A Momo would be all cheerful and happy go lucky and talkative. You seem more of a quiet type." Fuyu only chuckled. Well, the old woman sure did described her mother well.

Fuyu suddenly felt a pang of tears were about to come. She really missed her.

The night breeze blew gently as the boat continued to sail to the Snow Islands. Fuyu glanced at the stars, it was the same stars she would watch at the Konoha Rock, yet.... it looks different from here.

"The stars sure are brightening up tonight. It's quite rare for us to see the stars shine this bright. Must be telling something." Fuyu gulped, starting to be cautious of this old woman. Maybe she should have just sneak into the land afterall...

"Are you... from the Snow Islands?" Fuyu softly asked. The old woman chuckled loudly. "Nope, I'm from the Hidden Mist. I just thought of visiting the Islands today."

Fuyu decided to ignore the woman and continued watching the stars above her. She imagined Kakashi was beside her, watching the stars with her as they cuddled at their apartment.

The young woman wished they both had a normal civilian life.

A shooting star suddenly appeared in the dark sky. Fuyu remained still as every passenger made a ruckus out of the shooting star.

"Everybody is busy making their wishes." The old woman has returned again. "What did you wish for, Momo?"
Fuyu thought for awhile, before she softly spoke her answer, her green eyes gazing at her reflection intensely.

"I wish...... we all had a perfect life."


Meanwhile, back in Konoha, all hell just escaped into it.

Kakashi had made it just in time to save Iruka from the Deva Path. "Go! Save that civilian!" Iruka wanted to reconsider his option but Kakashi had urged him to go. So he ran as far and as fast as he could.

Iruka suddenly remembered Nami. She'll be safe, thank goodness she was on a mission prior to the invasion. He looked back to hear the sounds of Kakashi fighting with the Deva Path.

He hopes everything will go well.

The fight goes on. With the Deva Path having his friend joining him, the Copy Nin knew it would be a miracle if he survived.

His mind quickly went to a certain kunoichi who wasn't in Konoha right now. How would she react when she returned to hear upon his death? Will his fear of seeing her mourning his death be real?

'Heck, no.' Kakashi prepared to attack the Paths once more, his heart sending a silent prayer to Nami so that she would be safe and sound.

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