Them (Part 2)

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I've got to fit in. They'll ignore me if I'm different. I HAVE to be like them. But do you really? Do you really need to be like them? You're changing everything about you sweetheart.. WHAT are you doing? That's not how you dress. That's not how you act. That's not who you are. WHO are you? They won't like me like that. They won't acknowledge me like that. But who cares? Oh wait, you. But WHY do you care? Because I want friends. I need friends. Those aren't you friends. But just LOOK at them. They're so cool. So pretty. I want to be like them. But WHERE will that get you? In the state you're in now? Where you shop where they shop? Do what they do? Be someone you're not just to fit in? I can't go back to the same old way. I can't be myself. No one liked me. I was ANNOYING. I was UGLY. I wasn't like them. WHEN did being someone else ever become more important than being yourself? What's the POINT if you have to act every single day just to FIT IN? Where will it get you when they figure you out? They won't. Oh but honey they do. They always do. Stop it. But this is what you wanted right? To be like THEM? Please stop it.. I'm only trying to help. I SAID STOP! Look at you now. Look where you ended up. You're broken. . .

Please.. Please help me.. Oh honey. Stand up. Wipe the tears from your face. Take off that skirt. Tear off that jewelry. Wash your face off. Get rid of that mascara. Come back to these jeans. Come back to these tops. Come back to being natural. Come back to being you. THEY might not like you, but honey don't listen to THEM. Listen to you. THEY don't matter in your life. YOU matter in your life. Be just like YOU.

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