Running Back to You ~Paul Lahote Oneshot~

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"Cas!" my favorite ball of sunshine exclaimed from her perch on Bella's lap.

"Hey, Renesmee!" I exclaimed back at her and gave her a big hug. She was getting big still, however, her aging has started to slow down a bit. She looks about five now.

"Where's Jake?" Bella asked for Renesmee.

"On his way," I informed her and added, "We just finished our shift for the night."

"Paul!" I heard the most annoying voice ever, whined. "Stay in here with me!" she continued on.

I glanced over to the entry-way just in time to see Paul emerging from the living room. I gave him my usual bubbly smile and walked over to him. "Hi Lala!" I exclaimed childishly and glomped him.

He chuckled and gave me a squeeze back. "How'd your shift go?" he asked.

I let out a groan and buried my face into his chest. "I don't wanna talk about it!" I grumbled out and he started laughing. The rumbling from his chest felt nice. God, Cas, get yourself together! He's JUST a FRIEND! I thought in my head and quickly pulled out of his arms. I miss his warmth...STOP IT! Cas, control yourself!

"Paul!" that annoying woman whined, yet again.

"Geez, Rachel, he doesn't have to be around you ALL the time! You don't OWN him!" I exclaimed and everyone went silent. The only noise heard was coming from the living room where Rachel was getting up to come into the kitchen and dining area.

"What was that?" she questioned me lowly, right in my face.

"I said, 'You don't OWN him'," I told her calmly.

"Neither do you," she countered back.

"I never said I did. Nor have I even REMOTELY tried to HOG him," I told her rationally thinking.

"Are you accusing me of something?" she asked me as her left eye twitched.

My anger boiled like molten lava but I doubt she could see such fiery within my eyes. I shrugged and said, "Who knows, I just don't like it when people get in my space." I momentarily gestured to her being so close to me. I, then, turned around and walked right into Embry. " 'Ello, mate," I told him cheerfully.

"Hello, Cas," he said and wrapped me into a tight hug. A furl growl sounded from behind us and I pulled away just in time to see Paul run out of the house, furiously shaking. "You may not claim him," Embry began to whisper in my ear, "but it sure looks like he wants to claim you."

I immediately flushed with color and pushed him away. "Paul!" I called out as I ran out after him. After a few feet, I saw the shredded clothes and sighed. "Paul!" I screamed out as I started running through the woods.

"Come on Paul! You've got to talk to me!" I shout out as I pushed branch after branch out of my way.

I stopped short when I saw Paul laying limply by the creek we often goofed off at. "Paul..." I trailed off as I took a few steps toward him. "I think we should talk..." I started to say and got a harumph from his wolfish mouth.

"Paul!" I squeal as he catches me around the waist. "Let me go!" I shouted as I smacked at his arms.

"Not a chance," he said as he chuckled at me.

"Whyyyy nooooot?" I whined out as I leaned, rather comfortably, back against him.

"Becauuuuuse," he responded lamely. I looked up at him and giggled.

"Then, I guuuuuuess, this calls for drastic measures," I informed him and, before he could utter a word, I made the both of us fall into the creek. "Pah!" I gasped as I spit the water out.

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