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Thank you for reading! ♥




"Want to have lunch?" said Erick.

"Oh. Thank you. Megan, come with-"

"Oh look at the time! Sir called me few minutes ago. I need to get going. Thanks for the offer!" Megan shouted and went off.

"Hey! Wait! What the-?! Just leaving me like this?! Is she really my friend or my soon-to-be enemy?!" I said angrily.

"Don't say that. She just needs to do something that's all." Erick said.

He talks like Adrien.

Hey,hey. Why do I always think of Adrien? Maybe because he resembles him a lot. Height, color of the hair, his eyes and complexion. Sigh. I hope he's not like Adrien.

Class is finished at last. I need again to go to work, but first, I need to get dressed. While walking, a girl talked to me. Oh, not just one, but they're five.

"Hey! Your name's Chloe right?!"

"And what do you care?" I said looking down on them. Oh, they're small. I mean, the height.

"What's your realtionship with Erick?!" she said angrily.

"What are you-"

"Stay away from him or else.."

"Are you bullying me?" I said.

"And what'll you do if we were?" said the tallest girl in their group. But, she's still small, the height, I mean.

"Oh God, You're not worth  my time."

I turned around but before I move my foot., she suddenly grabbed my hair and pulled it.

"Ouch! What the-?!"

"You're not respecting us!"

"Hahahahah!" I laughed so loudly they stopped talking.

"You girls are not REALLY worth my time."

 I suddenly grabbed her in her blouse and lift her up in the air.

"Oh, you're so light. Do you like to be thrown down? We're in the third floor right now."

"Wait! ahh!" she suddenly slapped my hand and ran.

"You're a bully!"

What the-?! So I'm the bully now?! Ha!

What a bunch of losers! Why do I have to experience this all over again? Do I need to suffer everytime I get to be close to someone who's like a hearthrob? wait.


When did I said that?

"Who's gonna be pulped up? quit joking." I turned around and saw Erick, staring at me.

"What're you lookin' at?" I said.

"Hahahahahaha!" He laughed so loudly. I thought that he's crazy.

"What the-? You screwing around with me?! You punk?!"



Wait a minute. Mostly, boys who see me doing that ran, but this guy...

"You're so cool!" He said.

    Weird guy.

We went to work together. I had a chitchat with each other and with Megan, of course. We talked about everything, I mean, the school life and others. I'm suddenly startled that I was called by the director.

"Chloe!" said he.

"Yes sir?"

"Come here for a second. I got to tell you something."

"Oh, coming!"

    His name is Mark Estrella. For a director, he's too young. He's only 20 years old. Most of my co-models have crush on him because they think he's cool. But for me, he's scary.

"Yes sir?"

"Sigh. Please don't call me sir when we're only two, Chloe."

"Oh. Sorry. I forgot, vice principal."

Yup. He's the vice princial in our school, that's why I think he's scary. He scold students everytime I see him, but we're good friends.

"Hey! Don't say that here!"

"Oops. Sorry Mark."

"Okay. I just want to ask you about this."


He gave me a letter requesting that Erick and I will be partners in a certain magazine said by the official.

"What do you think?" said mark.

"Alright. I'll give it a shot." I said.

"Seriously?! You're not gonna shout like 'I don't want!' like that?!"

"what the-?! You joking me?!"

"haha. You're really a professional."

I thought that that's alright. It's just modeling. No other meaning. Vice principal, I mean, Mark called Erick and told him the plan.

He's alright with it too.

I guess it will be the start of hard work again, all over again.

to be continued...

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