Marked for Deception

Start from the beginning

            I realized that I was staring at him and immediately shut my mouth.  He smiled, amused by my reaction and just waited for me to come to my senses.  When I looked semi-ready he addressed me.  “So you’re the tag-a-long that’s causing all the fuss then?” 

            I just blinked; he had been expecting me then?  He had heard of me?  I kept my expression neutral and shrugged.  “Sure,” I said, “That’s me.” 

            He smiled again, “So what’s your name kid?”

            My cool dropped a little bit.  I was rattled and realized I couldn’t even answer the simple question. I knew I could not use the name that had been given to me at birth. I had no idea what my name was in this world.  I tried not to let panic cross my features but evidently they did so anyway.  Maji impatiently continued on the conversation without me for the moment. 

            “Your name?  What the paper said just before you passed out and arrived here?  Your name must have changed to something, what is your name?”

            If finally clicked in my mind, that weird self-writing paper had brought me to this world.  It had changed my signature, to Gittoran Scarlet.  But I had no intention of opening myself up completely to Mají-jalio, even if he was super hot and a living legend.  So I laughed breezily and introduced myself, “My name is Gittoran.  The paper said Welcome Gittoran.”

            As I finished my statement my left shoulder burned with pain again, causing me to flinch visibly.  Jalio laughed, a sound so full of life it sent tremors of delight running through my body.  He shook his head at me.  “Little One, lying is not a very good way to try to find a place within my crew.  But because you are a pirate, you are of course forgiven.  For future reference?  Lying to your captain is a very bad idea.”

            That shocked me.  How could he know that I lied if I only just now learned my own name?  Was I that bad of a liar?

            He laughed again at the expression on my face, “Your left shoulder just burned didn’t it?  That happens when you lie about your name.  Your left shoulder, where your symbol is tattooed into you, will burn when you lie about or shorten your name.  Actually, let’s take a look at that shall we?  I’d love to see what you are already trying to hide in this world.”

            I cautiously pulled my left sleeve up over my shoulder as he got up out of his chair nonchalantly.  He walked over to me and studied the mark on my shoulder, his nose so close to my skin that I could feel his hot breath on my arm.  I writhed around, twisting my neck awkwardly as I tried to get a clear look at the tattoo I wasn’t even aware I had.  But Mají-jalio obviously knew his stuff; sure enough there was a scarlet G on the outside of my left shoulder.  He looked at me, eyebrows raised.  I answered his unspoken question.

            “My name is Gittoran Scarlet.”

            Saying it aloud, an easy sense of calm settled over me.  This was real, it wasn’t a dream, or a drug-induced illusion.  I was in a whole different world, one where I belonged.  I had a purpose.  I knew that I was more than a lost school girl in a weird place.  I was going to be a true pirate, and one helluva pirate at that.

            I continued, “I am in truth a tag-a-long by title.  Captain Storm’s first mate, Red, is my brother.  He disowned me upon my arrival in this world, so I am dropping my last name, which shows our relation.  I tell you this in confidence, seeing as I must learn to trust my captain and nothing will come as a surprise to you later on.  But if you betray this confidence, you will be dead, legend or not.” 

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