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*What's up fuckers? Im Not dead!*

I hold Kurloz close and let out a deep slightly pained sigh.

"What time is it?" I question suddenly.

"ErR... 5:26 In ThE mOrNiNg."

I gasp and sit up as straight as possible. "I want breakfast, and I will make it."

Kurloz and Gamzee stare at each other in confusion at the excitement on my face. I spring up quickly and breathe in sharply but ignore the pain because I was too damn hungry. Kurloz shot his hand out in an attempt to stop me but he was to late. He may have been worried about my pain but I was worried about feeding these nerds. I search for the kitchen and quickly find someplace resembling one. I enter and scour the icebox for anything to make, at least edible. I find eggs and some type of sausage and ham. Kurloz and Gamzee round the corner and see me cracking eggs into a skillet. They both walk up but Gamzee approaches me from behind and carefully wraps his arms around my waist. I place the ham and sausage into a pan and begin heating them. Before they finish fully I cut the eggs into hearts and begin to plate. I shove the brothers into the dining room like a boss and push them into seats and gently slam the plates down. I get three cups of O.J. and slide them to the brothers after I set myself at the table and take a sip from my cup. I rest my head on my hands and stare happily as the brothers state at me in awe.
"That was fast..." Kurloz states and points at the food. "Also fairly cute." He smiles and more so points at the eggs.
"UhHhH" Gamzee groans. "ThE fUcK iS tHiS?" His eyes dart around the plate.
"It's breakfast you dumb. It's ham, sausage and eggs." They both stare at me while I respond. "Do you not eat homemade breakfasts?" They look at eachother, then me and shake their heads. I state back in disbelief with a straight face hiding my anger. I couldn't hold it back long. I slam my hands on the table standing up quickly knocking the chair on it's side and I glare off into the distance.
"HOW COULD YOU NOT EXPERIENCE THE WONDERS OF BREAKFAST!? SUCH A GREAT WAY FOR ONE TO START THEIR DAY AND BE PREPARED FOR GREATNESS. NO MATTER THE TROUBLES BREAKFAST WILL BE THERE TO HOLD IN DURING A BAD STORM WHILE YOU QUIVER FROM THE LOUD CRASH OF THUNDER IN THE DISTANCE. BREAKFAST WILL PAT YOUR HEAD AND BE A SEMPAI WHEN YOU NEED HIM. HE WILL ALWAYS NOTICE YOU. BREAKFAST LOVES THE FUCK OUT OF YOU." My face is flushed from my rant about breakfast. Gamzee and Kurloz look at eachother and laugh. I look down at my spilled glass of O.J. I stare and think of my life up to this point. All to end with a spilled glass of sweet, sweet O.J. Kurloz and Gamzee begin to eat their food and the looks of enjoyment on their faces was enough to make me happy. I walk over to the other end of he table and place my hands on each trolls shoulder. I smile and not to them.
"I think I'm gonna go lie down." I say drowsily as I walk back to Gamzees room. Slouching into his horn pile I drift off and try to keep my mind off my back.

Play Rough (Sober Gamzee [+ Makaras] x Reader) Lemon/SmutWhere stories live. Discover now