// but, will that make you happy? //

Start from the beginning

Harry's fists were squeezing shut very hard and if it weren't because Anne Marie was a woman, he would have hit her by now. 

Anne Marie had her cynical smirk and she nodded then, "Okay then, but you shall know that your purposes to steal Louis away won't ever work. You know, he's going to marry my daughter in the future, so the company and the business develop correctly. And you," Anne Marie pointed at him, "You are not going to be between that."

"How do you even know what Louis wants?" Harry said, trying to defend him. 

"I surely know he doesn't want you," Anne Marie said, "Or at least he shouldn't want you. Do you know how bad would it be to the company if he were to be gay?"

She said it with such a harsh tone that Harry had to stop for a while. He was handling a homophobe. 

"I don't have an affair with Louis and I won't ever have one, understood?" Harry said harshly.

"Good," Anne Marie said, "I don't want you to spread your gay feelings to Louis."

"That's it!" Harry said, taking Anne Marie from her arm and dragging her to the door, "Leave now."

"Don't touch me!" Anne shouted, "Don't you dare to touch me ever again! Or else, I'm ending you!"

Harry let her go and opened the door, "Leave."

"I have never in my life been treated like this," Anne Marie said, going outside, "Just know this Harry Styles," Anne Marie said, turning to see him one more time, "This is not only about you or me. It's about a complete empire and it's future. Thousands of people and their jobs. Your sister's included. So, do the best for all of us."

She left like that, leaving Harry in the door with a thousand of things to think about. 

Well, Anne Marie had a point. Even if things have changed over time, they still live in a world pretty judgemental. And truth was, the music/media industry still had issues over stuff like that. Not like everybody was an homophobe but still, Harry could see what Anne Marie wanted to say. 

So the truth was, even if Harry loved Louis, there were even more excuses for him to forget about Louis because 1) he wasn't sure Louis still had feelings for him because 2) Harry had treated Louis so badly and 3) now Harry didn't want to risk Louis' future. 

Oh shit. Harry had to leave London tonight. He couldn't be here anymore and he needed to get back to Holmes Chapel. Gemma was fully installed now and she was making her own life. She didn't need Harry anymore. 

Harry stood up then and went to the kitchen, looking for a bottle of wine. He was sure he had seen one earlier and it must be somewhere - there it was. 

Harry opened it and didn't even care for a glass. He needed to drown his sorrows and wine was pretty good on doing the job. He turned on the TV and for his incredible luck, Sense and Sensibility was on. Fuck him. 

He wished things were like movies, where at the end, the hopeless guy, in this case Colonel Brandon gets to marry the pretty girl, Marianne. Although to be honest, Harry hated Marianne. All the movie she kept making fun of the Colonel Brandon and despising his love for her. On the other hand, Hugh Grant made a perfect Edward Ferrars and so he enjoyed the movie. 

Two bottles of red wine and one pint of ice-cream later, Harry was done. 

He stood up from the sofa and reached to his belongings. He had two hours before Gemma would come from work and he intended to be gone by the time she arrived. He couldn't stay any longer and he seriously needed to go back and start fixing the mess in his head. 

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