Chapter 14

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Lacey's P.O.V

Everyday I saw him I hurt. I physically and mentally hurt.

A full week went on of this. All I did was lay in my bunk. No food. No human interaction, Just me and my thoughts. I saw I was getting thin. And honestly I really didn't mind at all. I deserved this.

Until I felt way to dizzy for a regular person.

Then I knew I was blacking out and I called out for the person I needed.

"Luke!! Help me!!" I scream falling back to my bed out cold.

5 days later in the hospital

I wake up to beeping. I flutter my eyes open to see Ashton

"Omg Lacey you're awake." Ashton said,"I'm going to get the doctor I'll be back."

He left as I looked around the place we were in. Didn't seem like we were still in America. But how'd we get here.

"Hey Lacey. How are you feeling?" The Doctor says walking in with Ashton.

"I feel lost. I also feel hungry." I say as the doctor gives a pity laugh.

"Well not a problem. I'll have a nurse bring you up some of the best food we have here." The Doctor said walking out of the room.

"Ashton where are we?" I asked Ashton.

"Where in the U.k. Why didn't you tell me you weren't eating?" Ashton said serious.

"Because. When I walked in on Luke and that girl.. My heart broke in see wrap pieces. I thought we would be able to talk. I really love him and wanted to make things right." I say and continue on," That girl was just soo pretty triggering my self confidence saying wow Luke never needed you. Maybe you were his little toy he didn't care about. So I stayed in my bunk and decided to not do anything."

" Lacey Why didn't you talk to me? I'm always here." He says crying," I never want to see you like this. I love you too much. This is extremely unhealthy. I-I-I thought.. you... would-"

I reach for him and hug him tight. Letting him go to see what I looked like. I forgot what I looked like, I look down and see skin and bone with a hospital dress.

"How much do I weigh?" I ask quietly.

"85 pounds." He says tears running out of his eyes.

"How did this happen." I say pulling my knees to my chest balling into them.

"Lacey nothing was your fault. Okay love." He said hugging me," Lacey if that happened with Luke. Why did you call out for Luke?" 

"Um well-" Getting cut off by Luke and Calum walking in.

"Hey Ashton Practice is in 10 minutes. We have to go." Luke said as I looked away from him.

But what I did see was scary. He looked broken, He just looked at me, he looked guilty.

"Alright. I'm going to be back Lacey okay. I hate to leave you." He says hugging me.

"It's okay. Have fun for me." I say trying to smiling as he nods exiting the room as I see Calum blow a kiss and wave.

The doctor comes back and give me food. I pushed it aside because I lost my appetite. I was shocked when I saw my friends in the door.

"Hey look it's my favorite set of twins!" I say as the run to me.

"Hey Lacey!!" The both say.

Mia looks so pretty. She has died her hair green ombré to blue and still have her lip and eye brow piercing. She also has a new tattoo. She's dressed in black  shorts with a white twenty one pilots shirt. She has black high tops on.

Lily is so different now. She died her hair blonde and got a nose piercing. She's wearing jean shorts with a regular t shirt. She also has glasses.

"Lacey. Why didn't you tell us about this." Mia asked on a serious note.

"I'm sorry. I was scared." I say looking at her.

"This is nothing to be scared to tell us. You didn't cause this." Lily chirped in.

"I know but I just never knew how to say it." I said.

"It'a okay. But we do need you to get better so please eat." Lily says.

I eat the food almost forgetting the taste of it. I eat a small bit before getting full.

Mia and lily pulled chairs next to me and we all watched movies and tv. They fell asleep in the chairs as I fell asleep in the very uncomfortable hospital bed.

"L-L-Lacey!!" Luke says shooting me up from my slumber with Mia and Lily.

"What's wrong!" I ask.

"Ashton was in a car crash. He has not woken up." He says looking at me.

"Omg!! What the hell happened!!" I said.

"We were driving and a drunk driver hit us." Luke said.

I ran out of my bed and into the lobby. I see the guys, Calum had a broken foot and Michael broke his nose. I see Ashton on a stretcher and getting pushed.

"Honey you have to go back to your room." A nurse said to me, I ignored here and fell to the floor crying. The nurse had Luke carry me back into the room. I am still crying as I am put on my bed.

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