Chapter 5

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WARNING!! This part does contain self harm.

Lacey's P.O.V

"And everyone body wants to take you home tonight! But I'm gonna find a way to make you mine! Don't stop-" I scream as I'm in my room dancing.

These past few days have been so amazing. Luke and I have been texting like crazy just about everything. He calls me every night and morning and oh man, this feeling I want forever.

From Hemming's:
Do you wanna maybe go on that date today at like 10:30 at the beach.

To Hemmings:
Sure. See you there :)

I throw my phone down and start getting ready. I can feel butterflies in my stomach while I pick out an outfit.

I grabbed some blue jeans and a red plaid flannel and a black crop for under. I change and take my curly brown hair out of the bun it was in. I decided to put it half up half down, didn't look to shabby.

Taking some deep breaths and feel my stomach grumble. It hurts so bad, but I can't even think of eating. Luke thinks I'm perfect like this I shouldn't change.

I go downstairs to see Ashton with a crazy hair due. He definitely just got up, he was out late partying with who knows who.

"Hey Ash, or fuzz ball seeing as your hair has puffed." I laugh and point at his hair, he stops at the mirror and looks.

"Haha very funny. What are you up to today?" He asked trying to fix the massive poof.

"Uh- just going to my friends house. I'll be back at like 2-2:30ish." I state becoming nervous.

"Alright. Bye Lacey." He said as I hugged him.

I walk out of the house and start walking to the beach which is only a 20 minutes walk. It's a pretty walk, I can feel my hands becoming sweaty with the thoughts of this first date.

I see I'm here first and decide to sit on the sand in front of the water, I check my phone and see it's exactly 10:30. He's probably just late. I'm really hoping that's the case.

3 hours later

I waited for 3 hours and nothing, not even a text to say he can't make it. How does someone do that to someone. I feel tears pouring out of my face. I am finally home and push the door open, I see Ashton and Calum and try not to make eye contact.

"Hey Lacey how- What happened!" Ashton says with Cal besides him.

"Nothing. Just Leave me alone." I said pushing past both of them as I start to cry harder.

I run to my room slamming my door door by accident and instantly regret that. I see my door slam open with my mum looking so angry.

"Lacey Irwin, what have I fucking told you about slamming the door!" She screams and I roll my eyes.

"Mum calm down it was an accident." I said wiping my tears away.

The she did the unthinkable. She slapped me, I look at her horrified. Now my mum and I don't get along but she has never put a hand on me. By the looks of it she's horrified too. I run past her and felt the tears pouring out.

I trap myself in my bathroom and scream. I hated today, I was stood up and my mum went crazy. I have tried my hardest with everything and it still wasn't good enough, I knew I wasn't good enough.

I pull out a razor that is in my bathroom and cut myself on my arm. Twelve even cuts and I throw my razor at the wall. I stare in the mirror and see blood rushing down my arm onto the ground. I scream again in pain and slam myself down.

I hear the door open and I turn to see my mum again horrified. I look down at my arm and
say,"What do want."

"Lacey what did you do!" She screams and runs out of the bathroom,"Ashton come now!"

I feel so dizzy and couldn't stop crying. I can't comprehend what's happening.

Ashton's P.O.V

"Yeah Lacey is acting weird. I should check in her." I say to Cal, it was strange to see her being so upset.

"It's just what teenagers do." Calum shrugged
"Give her some time, I've gotta run call me if need anything alright?"

Once he leaves I hear my name from upstairs and start heading there.

"Yeah mum?" I look at her and see the bathroom door slightly open.

"You're sister, she-she." I hear and see my mum start to cry.

I push past her and see Lacey on the group with blood everywhere, she makes eye contact with me and just cries.

"Lacey what the hell happened!" I yell trying to grab a towel to help her up.

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