Chapter 8

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Luke's P.O.V

(Next week of Lacey in the hospital)

When Lacey woke up I thought she would be able to gain her weight back. Or maybe a little but she is refusing to eat because everything she eats she fears of gaining all the bad weight back.

"Hey Lucas?" She said as I'm reminded I'm in her room sitting next to her.

"Yes Lacey?" I say smiling.

"Can you ask the nurse when I can get out of this place." She asked knowing the answer.

"Lacey I want more than anything for you to get out of the hospital but you need too eat to do so." I say.

"I can't gain any weight. I will be fat and ugly and you won't like me anymore-" I cut her off by kissing her.

"Baby, You are far from being fat. You are so beautiful. I would love you whatever you look like because it's what is inside that matters. And I understand that your brain is telling you not eat because you will gain weight but Lacey. At this point it's extremely unhealthy to be this skinny. You need to gain weight to be healthy again." I say holding her face in my hands," And I will be here by your side as you get healthy again and here to reassure you that gaining the weight won't make you fat."

"Thank you Luke." She says smiling as she kisses me. She lays back down and laces her fingers with mine. She closes her eyes and falls asleep. I kiss her head as I watch this girl who's been through so much sleep.

Ashton's P.O.V

I walk in Lacey's room to see Luke crying with Lacey's hand in his.

"Luke." I say as he looks up at me with bloodshot eyes and tears rolling down his cheek," Are you okay"

"This is all my fault." He said silently.

"Mate, It's not your fault this happened." I say walking over to him.

"Yes it is! If I hadn't of asked her out and got in that car crash she'd be okay!" He said, I sense the pain in his voice.

"Luke this isn't your fault. It can't be. Lacey has had anorexia for a while now and her self harming was her doing not yours. So please believe me when I say this, It's not your fault."I say rubbing his back.

He looks at her and nods resting a his head on the hand he was holding with Lacey.

1 Long Month later

Lacey's P.O.V

I have been out of the hospital for a week now. I lost in a total of 39 pounds in the hospital. All have now been gained back except a few pounds. To be honest if Luke hadn't have been there reassuring me that gaining weight wasn't a bad thing then I don't know if I would be here at the moment.

Calum has been coming over to hang out with me a lot. So as Luke and Micheal but mostly Calum.

"Calum?" I say as he as looks back into my direction.

"Yes Lacey?" He says.

"Can Mia and Lily come over with the boys?" I ask.

"Let me ask Ashton." Calum says ,"Ashton Irwin come here!"

"You couldn't just stand up and go he him?" I giggle.

"What can I say, I'm to lazy to do that." Calum says shrugging his shoulders.

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