Idiots... Louis thought.

So he continued. His eyes darted until the bottom of the list, where R-Z were. The first letter with T came up. He was so nervous, he didn't want to continue. He just didn't. He took a deep breath and started reading the T section.

Jade Thirwall – 98.5%

Jade has always been a good student, so Louis didn't really find it amusing. What he did find amusing was this boy called Cody Simpson. He was known to not care about this kind of studies and only football. But, he and Louis have always been good lads, and that made him know that about Cody. He had gotten a 73.8% and that was really good for someone who doesn't study as much.

Louis then nearly slapped himself when noticing he had skipped all the T's and went to the S section. He groaned annoyed and went back to the T.

Jade Thirwall

Manuel Trolio

Karla Tidrick

Mariah Tix

Alessandra Tobin

Louis Tomlinson

His breath hitched and he covered his mouth, getting out of the crowded space. He walked outside of the building, tears swelling up in his eyes and he immediately took his phone out to call his mother. His hands trembling and the call started.


"Mum." He sobbed.

"Louis are you okay? Are you crying?"

"I got a perfect score." He announced and sobbed happily. "I got a perfect score!"

"Oh my god! I thought you had done something wrong or – oh my god, baby! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!" She cheered. "But, why are you crying?"

"I'm just so happy! A perfect score mum! A perfect 99.9%!" He started to walk to a nice bench under a tree and whipped his tears.

"Wait, wouldn't a perfect score be 100%?" She asked.

He chuckled softly and explained, "No mum. A perfect score here is 99.9. There is no 100."

"Oooh...! I'm so happy for you! My baby!" She squealed. "I told you you'll do great! You're just so stubborn when it comes to studying. You think a small break might kill your grade."

"Haha. Right. Well, I have to go. I'll call you later. I love you."

"I love you too."

The hanged up and he decided to go surprise Harry at his place. But first, he wanted to get some Yorkshire Tea at Barbara's. It was weird to be at the bakery and not finding Gigi and Kendall at the front counters. Nobody is in line so he walks up.

"May I have Yorkshire Tea? Please." The boy looked at Louis with a bored expression and nodded. He went to get it and a few seconds later came back. "Thanks." He thanked him and walked out.

When he got to Harry's house, he had already finished with his tea and threw the paper cup in the trashcan. He rang the doorbell and waited patiently. Gigi opened up the door and squealed when seeing Louis.

"Hi! What are you doing here?" She asked and Lois shushed her.

"It's a surprise for Harry. He sounded bored."

"Ooh!" She nodded. "Zayn and I are dating."

"Congrats G." The hugged one last time and they walked together up the stairs. Gemma was in her small office working while Gigi was doing her homework. Harry had finished before her and was up in his room.

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