{Ch. 1}

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A sigh of relief exits me as I no longer see Harper on my feed. At least I won't have to deal with him on social media anymore. It shouldn't be that big a deal. He hates me anyway. 

Hank responds to Harper's status: Nice burn, Harp. So hot I need to apply ice to it. Get a life.

Rocci comments: OMG stop fighting guys. It's not worth it. Especially over him. Don't let someone like him get in between you two.

Rocci isn't particularly kind to me either. She's the same as Harper, except she pretends to tolerate me while badmouthing me and playing a part in my torment. At least Harper is transparent. Why am I friends with her on here again? I deleted her as well. 

Almost immediately, I see a friend request. I click on it to see it's from Harper. My eyes enlarge at the sight. Impulsively, I block him. Why does he want to be friends with me again? He hates me. Another friend request pops up, which makes me anxious. No surprise to see it's Rocci. Her and Harper are probably messaging each other right now and talking about how I unfriended them. I know it. In fact, I know they're probably at the same place right now. I block her too. 


Harper scoffs, "He just blocked me."

"He just blocked me too, what the hell?" Rocci indignantly grumbles, "I even tried to stop the fighting." She places her phone on a nearby nightstand. She tried to reason with Harper verbally but when he paid her no mind, she intervened on the status.

"Exactly!" Harper growls, "Who does he think he is?" He throws his phone on the ground angrily.

"What have I ever done to him?" Rocci inquires, "Seriously, I can't recall one time I've treated him badly. I actually have no issue with him."

Harper bursts in laughter, wrapping his arm around her, "You and I both know that you dislike him deep down inside, no matter how hard you try to act all goodie-goodie."

She laughs, "Okay, you're right. Moxie and I don't click well. I tried to bond with him but he was too weird. He is just some weird ass kid." Rocci has known Moxwell Drewer for several years. He has always been the type of person who was content with remaining in the shadows and having little to no interaction with others. Rocci has met many introverts in her life but never one like Moxwell. He's completely socially inept. He has such a dry personality. "I bet he's never had any friends. I mean, look at the way he is! I kind of feel bad for him."

"Stop pretending you care for him," Harper laughs, "Be like me and not give a crap about him."

She chortles, "If you really didn't give a crap about him, you'd leave him alone and ignore him like everyone else."

"You know I can't do that," Harper smirks, "Why would I ignore him? It's what he wants." Harper gets kissed on the cheek by Rocci, who gets up from under the blanket. Harper has never liked the freak. His dislike for the teen began when he tried to be a good samaritan by inviting him to his birthday party a few years ago. Moxwell declined the invitation and said that he had more important things to do. The freak didn't even seem in the least grateful or happy that at least someone was speaking with him, unlike other people who avoided him like he was a disease. He wasn't moved in the least. After that, Harper gave the misfit several chances of redeeming himself but he failed miserably. Harper tried striking up a conversation with the teen but the disinterest was evident. He even tried sitting by him at lunch yet the teen didn't speak to him unless he was spoken to. It was like Harper didn't exist to him. Harper doesn't respond well to being ignored.

"I think you should leave, Harper," she walks away in her bareness to her connected bathroom. Harper follows her into the bathroom and grabs her from behind.

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