A Collar and Leash

Start from the beginning

"Good evening, Jana. I've got something for you." Tommy said with a smile.

Glancing down at the dog after looking up at the guard while he spoke, Jana scrunched his nose up slightly. "No thanks."

Tommy seemed a bit surprised by the blatant disinterest, but he wasn't deterred. Instead of leaving with the dog, he held out two stapled papers, and when he refused to withdraw his hand, Jana finally took them. "Therapy Canine Certification and Rehabilitation." Jana read aloud, then glared up at Tommy. "I don't want it. I have enough shit to deal with. I don't need something that makes it on a continuous basis."

Instead of making Tommy hesitate, the guard just chuckled and knelt down, petting the dog on the head before looking up at Jana. "I already got all of the paperwork cleared. This was part of what Emmet was working on for you, besides the hearing. He trained her himself, as he was certified for it, and did a damn good job. His dogs are worth thousands, but he specifically had in his notes, and will, that she was for you."

Jana kept the hurt from his face as he turned his gaze back to the dog, but Domino could see the faint look of sadness in the guy's eyes. "You don't want me, dog." Jana whispered as he continued to just stare. Even not replying to his comment or doing anything with the dog, Tommy didn't seem upset. He just stood there, holding the dog's leash and waiting.

After nearly a minute the dog decided it was going to be the first to act. She slowly took the two steps toward Jana's bed that put it right in front of him, then lowered her head and pressed her forehead against his knee. Jana tilted his head slowly to the side, eyes narrowed on the animal. No matter how hard he glared, the dog just remained exactly where she was, seemingly not the least bit concerned.

When Domino heard the leash drop to the floor, he looked up. Tommy was backing out of the cell with a grin on his face. When he slid the door closed and locked it, he nodded to Jana and spoke calmly. "I already took her out for the night. I'll be back tomorrow at our normal time so you can take her outside."

"I can go out?" Jana asked in a surprised tone of voice.

Tommy nodded, his smile growing a small amount. "You may do anything necessary to take care of her. So, you'll be going outside several times a day to walk and play with her."

The thought of playing with a dog was clearly unfamiliar to him from the look Jana was giving the man, but Domino knew that the guy did enjoy getting outside. Heck, he'd trade picking up the dog's crap to get a chance to go out more. And he liked dogs, so it was an even bigger plus.

Hearing Tommy walk off, Jana frowned, then scowled at the dog still pressing against his knee. "Go away, dog. I'll deal with you, but only because I need to get out of this hell hole." He said as he swung his legs back up on the bed and turned away, giving the dog, and Domino, his back.

Fine with me. I wanna meet my new cellmate! Domino thought cheerfully. He gestured toward the dog, but she only stared at him where she remained sitting by Jana's bed. Confused, Domino scooted a little closer and patted his lap. "Come here, girl. I want to meet you." He said, making the dog's floppy ears perk slightly.

That, unfortunately, was the only response he got. Oh come on. He huffed in his mind as he stood and walked over, then dropped to lean his back against the bed right next to the dog. "You're a picky one, aren't you? I'm surprised you like Jana over me." He said as he lifted his hand and placed it on top of the dog's head. Her fur was incredibly soft and she looked to be only about a year old, if that.

Noticing a small glint from a tag around her neck, Domino leaned over and read the name on it. "Tera."

A deep growl from behind him make Domino glare over his shoulder, only to get a glare right back from Jana. "Leave the damn dog alone and get away from my bed."

Ass. Domino thought, then grinned. He definitely has a nice one. Too bad his personality is that of a blender. Fucked the hell up.

Shaking his head, Domino leaned forward, intent on taking the dog to where he had previously been sitting, but when it was suddenly gone, he jumped to his feet and stared Jana down. The guy was holding the dog in a bear hug against his chest that was visibly causing the dog distress. Lucky for Jana, it wasn't trying to bite, but it was clearly uncomfortable.

"I told you to fucking leave the dog alone! It's mine, not yours!" The guy shouted, making Domino's blood begin to boil with anger. He knew he shouldn't start a fight. He should just shut up and sit down, but he hated when people hurt animals.

"You're already fucking hurting her! You said you don't want her but to go outside, so let me take care of her until then." Domino replied, trying to keep his voice down so that they didn't alert the night guards, as the lights were already beginning to be shut off.

Instead of listening, Jana stepped forward, baring his teeth in anger. "Fuck off. She's my damn dog!"

Don't argue. Just back off. He'll probably put her down after he's calm again. Unfortunately, Domino never listened well. Not even to himself.

"The one thing Emmet left for you, and your about to send her to the emergency room by braking her ribs." He snarled back.

Domino thought Jana would hurt the dog worse for his retort, but to his surprise, he dropped her with a hiss, like she had suddenly somehow burned him. The dog landed easily, and after a slight shake of her coat, sat down and leaned against Jana's leg. No harm done to her view of the man. Jana, however, looked torn between being distraught and being furious. His fists balled tightly as his head rose from staring at the dog and his eyes narrowed on Domino before he dropped to sit on the bed, putting his head in his hands and gripping his hair painfully-tight.

"Leave. My. Fucking. Dog. Alone." He growled before swinging back onto the bed and lying down. After he yanked the thin blanket up and over him, Domino let out a quiet breath and moved back to slump down against the opposite wall.

Jesus Christ. He's fucking insane.

Even so, after a few minutes of silence, the dog, Tera, tilted her head up toward the bed and sniffed. Her tail wagged once, then she hopped up onto the small cot. It was barely big enough for Jana, so she immediately got a growl from the man as she crept close, then laid down against his back. She might have gotten away with the gesture if she didn't get up right away, then reposition herself. Then do it again. And again.

"You fucking dog! Stop!" Jana yelled as he swung around.

Domino was about to lunge and grab the dog, worried that he really would hurt her right then, but when he grabbed her around the middle and returned back to facing the wall, the dog wrapped tightly in his arms to keep her still, Domino froze. He waited for several seconds. Watching. Listening. When five full minutes had passed, he carefully got to his feet and looked down at the two. The dog was snuggled in against him, her head right beneath his chin as her nose pointed toward the wall. She was already asleep, and surprisingly, so was Jana.  

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