Wake Me Up

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Wake Me Up
C: thesilverwitch
Liam and Zayn have the day off and a lovely clean hotel bed.

Sometimes, all they really need to unwind is some free time, a hotel bedroom for themselves and nobody on their backs nagging them about their hair and their clothes and their skin and the way they walk and their twitters and their personalities and blah blah blah.

Sometimes, there is absolutely nothing quite like a giant bed with soft, clean sheets that make you instantly melt into them and wish you could live the rest of your life trapped inside of them like you're in a wonderful, incredibly warm and comfortable cocoon.

And then on some other times, waking up on those clean sheets with the most gorgeous person you've ever met right by your side is much, much better than any cocoon based life you could ever dream of.
- x -

Liam smiles as he feels the morning stretch around him. Having the day off – completely, one hundred percent off with absolutely no chance of anyone bothering them unless the world suddenly decides to end – is wonderful. It makes the air lighter, gives it a funny peach color and turns the tiny specks of dust floating all around into treasured special effects.

The sun is shining softly outside his and Zayn's window, barricaded by the curtains so the light doesn't blind them, but still passing through enough to wake Liam up with kindred patience.

The general population of the world seems to be gone. Liam can't hear anything – not the boys' loud voices, not Paul telling them to get up already, not their security telling them to keep close – but the sound of Zayn breathing ever so softly, and if that isn't the most amazing sound, Liam doesn't know what it could be.

Liam doesn't know how much time he spends in silence, simply watching Zayn's chest heaving as he drags in breath after breath. Zayn's skin seems to be radiating warmth as it reflects the sun's light and it makes him look like this mesmerizing, ethereal angel, who is honestly too good to be true and who Liam can't help watch in pure adoration because yes, Liam is head over heels in love with Zayn and no, he will not shut up about it.

He has this face of perfect innocence, long eyelashes making him look too soft, too breakable and Liam gets the almost irresistible urge to kiss every inch of him until he has every contour memorized, until he knows how every piece of Zayn tastes, until Zayn's body is all his lips know.

Two seconds afterwards, Liam remembers they have the day off and that he can do all the things his heart desires.

He climbs on top of Zayn, who is sleeping peacefully on his back, and kisses his forehead as he begins to trail down slowly. Each of his kisses is as light as the one that came before and the one that will come next since Liam doesn't want Zayn to wake up, not yet. For now, he wants him to be quiet so Liam can admire his raw beauty without feeling like Zayn's silently laughing at him.

Last night they arrived at the hotel around three a.m. after a lovely – and extremely tiring – concert that left Liam painfully craving a hot shower and a warm bed. He and Zayn showered together to avoid spending more time awake than they strictly needed to. Except for two stolen kisses, they didn't do anything; too beat up to even consider the possibility of sex as they let hot water unwind their muscles.

Promptly after, they crashed on the bed together, too lazy to bother with pajamas since they were dating and their mutual confidence level was already way too big to be normal for people who have only known each other for two years.

They both ended up falling asleep quicker than Harry can say "Hey mate, can you pass the chips? Cheers."

Their half assed decision makes Liam feel very, very happy since it means he has a fully naked Zayn for his eyes to revel in and his mouth to explore.

He mouths the tattoo on Zayn's collarbone lightly, letting his tongue lick the skin as he wonders about how it's going to taste, if it's going to have a slight metal pang to it or if it's going to taste as sweet as every other part of Zayn. Five seconds into his exploring, Liam reaches the conclusion that the tattoo tastes like the rest of Zayn, but that letting his mouth idly trace its dark lines is much sweeter; probably because it means Liam has not only the time, but the chance and the place to do it, that there's a lazy, relaxing day ahead of him and he can enjoy every second of it learning Zayn's ink markings with his mouth.

Liam lets his fingers trace the other tattoos, hands and mouth roaming freely as he thinks about what would be like to have one of those, possibly something simple beneath his hipbone, maybe just a tiny sun reminding him the sun will always come out tomorrow because Liam has a secret love for musicals and of all the boys, Zayn's the only one to know that.

The best part of Zayn's sleep is that it's only heavy when he wants it to be. Put a plate of bacon and eggs in front of him or light up a cigar in the next room and Zayn will be up almost instantly, smiling shyly as he asks you if he can have a bite or a smoke. Even though his hair will be mussed and his eyes will be only half-open, he'll still look dashingly good, making it impossible for anyone to resist his charm.

Zayn's control over his sleep is so perfect that when Liam's mouth reaches his hipbones, still trailing lazy, almost imperceptible kisses, Zayn's eyes stir open.

"What—" Is all that comes out of his mouth before Liam decides what the hell. He spits on his hand and grabs the base of Zayn's cock, pumping a couple of times before he lowers his head and catches the head with his mouth.

Zayn's head falls back ungraciously, eyes lolling backwards as Liam applies uneven and inconstant pressure, sucking a little bit harder at odd intervals and then spending long seconds simply licking the head as faintly as he can.

Liam more than enjoys the way Zayn's hands tug his hair, trying to force Liam into making him come, and failing since whenever Zayn seems to be close his grip falters and Liam takes it as his opportunity to pointedly stop and smirk.

The smirk part is not on purpose, it just happens, although Liam is not exactly complaining since it always – always – drives Zayn on.

"Liam, c'mon." Zayn whines, voice still a bit coarse from last night's concert.

"And good morning to you, too." Liam's smirk widens considerably when he sees Zayn shoot daggers in his direction, and decides to stop the teasing before his behavior gets him kicked out of their room.

Liam's lack of gag reflex is a gift from god, if Zayn may say so himself, and he manages to take Zayn's cock fully inside his mouth, hollowing his cheeks every step of the way as Zayn gasp in front of him. Liam very purposely keeps his eyes open so he can see Zayn – stainless and immovable Zayn – trash and come undone because of him.

It's a maddening sight, too intoxicating for its own good; the way Zayn's back arches from the bed as moan after moan is ripped out of his throat, the way his whole body tenses, muscles flexing before they all relax simultaneously.

Oh, it's truly a wonderful sight and Liam doesn't think he'll ever get sick of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2016 ⏰

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