Love is All I Got

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Love is All I Got
C: pineapple_tea
They're trying to save on their heating bill for their shitty uni flat, and Liam comes up with a way to keep them warm.

"Liam," sighs Zayn with a smile, rolling under the thick duvet to reach for Liam as he slips under with him, finally. His palm slips over Liam's cheek as he pulls him in. "Fuck, babe, you're freezing."

"Sorry," says Liam with a sheepish, pink-cheeked smile in the half light cast by the bedside lamp. "Thought you'd be asleep."

"No," says Zayn, blinking blearily up  at Liam, "was waiting for you." And then, as everything comes into focused past his sleep heavy eyes, his brow furrows. "What is that?"

Liam giggles, the waning scent of alcohol on his breath as he settles on top of Zayn with a big, cold hand tucked under his back. Zayn squirms in his hold, widening his legs so Liam can fit properly between them, and winds an arm around Liam's back, keeping him close. "It's my portable mistletoe," says Liam with a big smile. Zayn rolls his eyes as Liam twangs the spring of the green headband he's wearing, the fake mistletoe snapping against the pillow. "Gonna have to give me a kiss, babe," he says, looking very pleased with himself.

Zayn narrows his eyes, fighting a yawn. "S'that from the party?"

Liam's smile turns a bit more serious at the corners. "Yeah, but only so I could come back and kiss you."

"Don't need mistletoe for that, though," says Zayn, smiling sleepily despite himself, tracing absent shapes on the warming skin of Liam's back.

"I know," says Liam, with bright, soft eyes, breath fanning over Zayn's lips, cheeks roughed red from the cold. Zayn loves him so, so much. Liam nudges forward to kiss him, and for a second, Zayn is powerless to stop him, but then he remembers himself and leans back a bit into the pillow. Liam looks confused for a second, before Zayn yanks the headband off his head and dumps it on the floor. "Oh," says Liam, pouting a bit.

"Alright, have at it, babe," says Zayn, tucking his arm under the covers quickly again. Their heating bill was too high in November, so they're having a bit of a frigid Christmas.

"Christ, you're picky, aren't you," says Liam, smile growing back. Liam's palms slide down Zayn's back to sneak under the hem of his (Liam's) old t-shirt, and under his pants to cup his arse. He gives it a slow squeeze, and Zayn hums approvingly as Liam slots their mouths together softly.

Liam kisses Zayn deep and soft, and Zayn luxuriates in the muscles of Liam's back, mouth tugging up slightly at the way Liam nudges their noses together.

Liam pulls back a bit, their lips still brushing, sending warmth over Zayn's bare skin in something like a shiver. "Did you get all your work done, love?"

"I've got a solid thesis," says Zayn, smiling a bit sheepishly, breath hitching as Liam strokes his fingers over the creases at the backs of his thighs.

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