
463 8 16

U covered your mouth...

U were sobbing...

"COME OUT Y/N!"Your father yelled angrily...

Your tears were falling...

U ran at the woods deeper and deeper...

U were breathing heavily...

U sigh and hid at a tree...

U sat down...

U gasp as someone pulled your hair...

U were screaming for your father to stop....

"WHY WOULD I STOP?!,YOU ARE LIKE YOUR F*CKING MOTHER!"Your father said and slapped your face...

U felt a liquid dipping in your nose...

U wiped it off...

And tried to ran from your father...

U look back and sigh,He was not following u anymore...

U hid at a dark part of a tree and rest...

U were so tired and doze off to Dream Land...


U yawn and opened your eyes...

Your eyes widen...

U woke up in someone's room...

U looked around..

It was so nice...

U stood up,but fail and yelp in pain...

U laid down and breath in...

U heard the door open and saw a tall figure..

U screamed and tried to get up to run from the tall figure...

He holds u down..

"U shouldnt move,your bruise is not yet healed.."he said..

U look at him in confusion..

"H-how can u talk?"u asked...

"through your mind.."he said..



U were now happy of your new home..

U smiled as he gives u a plate of delicious food..

"Thanks.."u said and ate your food..

He nodded and look at u..

"wht?"u said a little irritated..

He transforms to his human form and sat beside u...

u look at him..

"I cant take it anymore!"he said and pinned u down and kissed u...

U smirked and kissed him back..

U felt his hands slid on your back then unclips your bra..

U moan a little...

U felt his lips turned into a smirk..

He pulls u up still not broking the kiss and laid u to the bed..

U put your legs to his waist and pulled him close to you...



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