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[Eheh i haven't updated in a long time]
Dan pov
"Phil!" I shout out from the outside boys locker room. No response.
I groan, as because we usually are late to my house when he is late in here. But then I see jocks running out laughing. one has a bit of blood on them.
Oh shit.
I ran in as fast I can.
"Lion! Philly!"
After what seemed like an hour,I hear a slight sobbing coming from the showers.
And I unfortunately I see my lion huddled in the corner of a shower.
"Aw baby... C'mere..." I whisper and run over to him.
I hear sniffing and slide him into my lap.
He leans on me and I rub his back until the sobs stop.
He seems like he is gonna fall asleep and it's getting pretty late.
I pulled my phone and see the time 5:48.
Wow, we've been in here for 30 minutes about.
After my club and his "extra credit" gym football watch, I come strait down to get him. About 5:15 I get him then we leave. Jeez I hope my Moms aren't worried. '
Though I'm going to fuck up those jocks. He's mine. And they shouldn't get to touch him let alone hurt my Phil.
I'm just protective! Ok? Who wouldn't be protective of someone like him, who's has gone through so much.

I pick him up when steady breaths come out and quickly run out before teachers see us. I lay him in the seat next to me and run around and get in the other side. I sigh, seeing how hurt he is. And I turn the key in the hole and start to drive, hearing his faint calm breathing helps me calm down, and soon, we reach my apartment building. I get out, walk to the other side in no hurry, and bring him inside.

I reach the door to my apartment, which is in a non populated part of London, the criminal populated area, in the nicest apartment in a 10 mile radius. And it has about 15 floors. I live in 13B with my mum. 13th floor, split middle of the floor.  I breath in, put the key in the lock, and breath out , put my hand in the knob, breath in, and turn the knob, opening the door.  It's about 6:30 now, and I have Phil on my back, witch I spent a good amount of time doing, since he was asleep.
And my mom is rushing over to us.
"Dan! What happened? Is poor philly ok? Are you ok? Who's parents do I call? Should I fix dinner?" My mum says in a urgent manor, checking Phil and I all over.
I sigh and let out a laugh, "ok,so Phil was having a panic attack in the bathroom, and I got him, I'm ok, Phil should be ok, just maybe call his dad- wait, don't. And if you wanna start dinner, you can." I say, giving her a quick hug and walk to my room with poor Phil on my back.
He looked so scarred when he was awake, but now, he looked calm. Like the old Phil, before all this happened.
I put him down on my bed, and kiss his head, our apartment in pretty small. It has 2 bedrooms ,one living room, 2 bathrooms, and a kitchen. I love my mother for caring for me for so long.
I lay next to Phil, and pull out my phone. And in no time, I feel sleep drift over me.
*_-time skip to the morning-_*
I awake to see Phil staring at me and my arms wrapped around him.
He pulls out his phone and texts me.
My Kitten: Morning
I smile "Morning bby, you comfy?" I whisper
He nods, and I give him a little
squeeze and kiss his head.
You are my sunshine...

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