Chapter 31

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"Are you sure you don't want to go back out to the water?"

"Luke, I'm trying to read." Luke's been bugging me and telling me to get up for the past ten minutes because apparently he's bored, but I'm halfway through City of Bones and there's no stopping me from reading.

"Please Ivory. The paps won't notice us as much if we're in the water." I turn my head and look to where the group of people with cameras has grown bigger. Plus there's been around five people over here asking Luke for pictures in the last twenty minutes.

"I forgot about them until you said something." I groan and put my bookmark into the book and throw it into the bag. "Why are you so annoying sometimes?"

"You only think I'm annoying because you're boring." He sticks his tongue out at me and pulls me in towards the water.

"You better not get my hair wet. I washed it today and you have no idea how much effort that takes."

"I style my hair every morning to perfection but you don't see me complaining." I narrow my eyes at him. I've seen him get ready and all he does is run his fingers through his hair a few times, add a bit of gel, and he's done. It's seriously not fair.

"Plus I need to go get my camera soon cause I only have like five minutes of footage from here." Luke rolls his eyes as he leads me farther into the water, so that it's up to my hips.

"Do you ever stop stressing?"

"When I read."

"Now you're just being rude." He crosses his arms over his chest and gives me a puppy dog look. I'm a dog person, but I'm not quite sure I can say I'm a Luke person.

"That stuff doesn't work on me." He laughs and wraps his arms around me, pulling me in for a hug.

"I figured it wouldn't but just wanted to see." I'm a bit confused by the hug he has me in but I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his chest anyway.

I allow him to keep me in this position for awhile. It felt nice. Sometimes people just need a hug, and I didn't notice how much I needed one until I got it. I felt comforted and loved almost, like I meant something to someone. And it was a good feeling.

"Let's go back up to the sand." Luke smiles at me and takes my hand as we walk back up to our things. The paparazzi have made their way closer to our stuff and I'm pretty sure I can hear their cameras click as they take their pictures.

I stop Luke before he sits down and keep my hand wrapped in his. I look up at him and look him right in the eye, more of the paparazzi are raising their cameras.

I hesitate and I notice Luke's muscles tense. I open my mouth to say something, anything, but nothing comes out.

I lightly shake my head, trying to clear it, and pull Luke down onto the towel next to me.

"Do you want to go get some food soon?" I ask, pulling my sunglasses back out of my bag.

"Is that saying should we go get food soon, or do I want food soon?" He gives me a questioning look as he settles into the towel.

"We." He gives me a slight smile and I let out a breath.

"Might as well head out now."


We end up at a restaurant located right by the beach. Neither of us bothered changing out of our swimming suits but for the most part we blend in with everyone else here.

"This place has great sandwiches. O think you would really like the Italian style one. Callie has said that you used to eat those all the time." Luke's been pointing to different things on the menu for a good ten minutes. I think he's focusing more on what I'm gonna get then what he's gonna get.

"Those sandwiches normally have a lot of calories." I say it quietly but he understands.

"Yeah you're right. They've got these flatbreads. It's like pizza but some of them don't even have the sauce."

"I know what a flatbread is Luke." I laugh as his face turns red and the waiter comes over for the third time.

"Are you guys ready?" He still sounds polite even though Luke has told him to go away so many times.

"Yes we're ready." I answer before Luke can say no.

I point out one of the flatbreads and Luke orders a burger.

"What made you decide you're ready?" I don't understand Luke's question at first but with the way he looks down and taps his foot I can tell its personal.

"I just realized that this isn't making me any better. I don't even look healthy anymore. I'm sure you've noticed. What you said the first day you were here really opened my eyes to that. And then Callie cried when I was in the hospital and I realized that this wasn't only affecting me but everyone around me too." Luke finally looks up at me but now it's my turn to look down. "I went on Twitter again the other day and there were people who were worried about me. People were standing up for me. But I hadn't seen that before because all I cared about was the hate."

We both go silent after that.

"I'm really happy we're getting along now."

"Me too." I smile and his cheeks go pink again. "Maybe I should change your contact name back to Luke instead of dickhead." He laughs and rolls his eyes before the waiter comes back with our food.

I still hesitate when the food gets put in front of me but I know I'm ready. I've got Luke here to help and I know Callie and Keegan will help out when I go home. My parents will when they can but they're at work most of the time.

Luke doesn't take his eyes off me as his food is out on the table. "Way to pressure a girl."

"Sorry. I just- if you're not ready you don't have to."

"I'm okay." I take a deep breath, "I'm ready."

I take a bite and look up to find Luke staring at me.

"Stop being a stalker. I'm fine." Luke laughs and starts eating his own food.

I know it's been forever and I'm sorry. I had like half this chapter written and then deleted the whole thing cause I hated it. Still not proud of this one and I know it's short but it's something.

This chapter is shorter than usual cause of writers block :(

I'll update again as soon as I can :D


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