Chapter 12.

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Bellamys feelings for clarke weren't easy to admit, but finally he did. he realized he was in love with the girl who grew up like his sister, his best friends. A week has pasted and bellamy managed to get drunk twice, off course to forget clarke but that wasn't going to be that easy.
Clarke was going to the blakes house because octavia, bellamy, lincoln and her were going to the mall to eat lunch and buy some stuffs.

"I'm here" clarke claimed entering the blakes house

"Clarkey we've been waiting for you for 20 minutes" lincoln said, apart from bellamy lincoln was clarkes closed friend

"Sorry linky i lost track of time" she said

"Princess" bellamy greeted, coming into the room

"Bell" she greeted back

"Shall we go now" octavia asked

"Yeah we shall" bellamy said

The four of them went to bellamys car and started driving to the mall. After a quick 10 minute drive they arrived.

"Should we eat first or what" clarke asked

"I'm not hungry but if you guys want, its fine by me" lincoln said

"I say we go and have a walk around, and then we'll eat" octavia said

"That it is" bellamy said

They started walking around and talking, clarke and lincoln were walking in front of bellamy and octavia who were a little behind them.

"So, how are things with octavia" clarke asked lincoln and turned around to make sure octavia was far behind them.

"Things are going great" lincoln said smiling "octavia makes me feel like a better man everyday and shes just great, everything about her is great"

"You love her, don't you" clarke said

Lincoln sigh and said "yeah i do. I haven't told her yet though, i'm waiting for the right time"

"Totally agree. I'm just happy that you two are happy, specially together" clarke smiled and said

"Me too" lincoln said "now lets talk about you and bellamy"

"What about us" clarke asked

"You'd be lying if you say there isn't something going on between the two of you"

"There isn't actually" clarke stated

"Well i'm just going to throw this out there, the way bellamy looks at you says otherwise"

"He looks at me like his best friend linky"

"No but seriously clarkey, take the time to watch him look at you. And you'll see what i'm talking about"

"Fine, just because i'm too lazy to fight you on this" clarke said

Octavia and bellamy were also talking behind them "i know i said this before bell, but you should tell her"

"I told you o, it's not that easy" bellamy claimed

"If it's not, make it" octavia said

"What do you mean" bellamy confused asked

"If clarke doesn't feel the same way about you,which i doubt not, let yourself fall in love with someone else" octavia said

"That's the not easy part i'm talking about" bellamy said "when i was with lily i didn't see myself with anyone but her, and when she died i-i i stopped believing in love somehow. Until my feelings for clarke came out."

"wow" octavia stood in shock for a moment "so you-you love her"

"No, not yet. i like her" bellamy said

"See, liking and loving are very two different things. if a person you like doesn't like you back you can eventually move on from them. But if it's love... you better than anyone know how hard it is to let go of someone you loved" octavia said

"Because i do, is that i'm telling you this" bellamy said and lincoln and clarke came next to them

"Hey" clarke smiled and put an arm around bellamy

"Having fun without me princess" he asked

"You know the answer is no" she smiled

"Guys can we have a minute alone please" clarke asked linctavia

"You can just go another way clarke" octavia said

"Right fine miss sassy, i will. let's go bell" clarke grabbed bellamys hand and walk the other way

"What is this about" bellamy asked

"Nothing" she lied "can't i just have a moment with my best friend" she asked

"Yeah... You can" he said

"Okay, i'm gonna be direct..." Clarke started to say but was interrumped by a girl coming to bellamy

"Bellamy" she asked and bellamy turned around

"Gina" he asked

"Oh my god it's been so long" she said and hugged bellamy and bellamy hugged back

"I haven't seen you in what, 5 years" he asked

5 and half to be exact" she laughted

"Clarke, do you remember gina" he asked "she stuid with us until like 8 grade"

"Ohh yeahh" she said, not too excited "hey"

"Clarke, hi" gina smiled at her

"It's so good to see you gina" bellamy said smiling "we should get coffee sometime, if you're staying"

"Yes i actually am" she said "but coffee i mean i don't feel comfortable because i don't want for clarke to feel weird you know"

"Pardon" bellamy asked

"Wait, aren't you guys a couple" she asked

"I love bellamy and he loves me but not in that way, you know" clarke smiled

"Oh okay then, it's a yes for coffe" she told bellamy "i have to go now, but see you guys around"

"Can't wait for coffee" he said

"Me too" she said walking away

"So... What were you saying" bellamy asked clarke

"Nevermind it's nothing, let's go to the group" she said

"You okay princess" he asked

"Yeah, why wouldn't i be" she lied

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