(0.6) blocked two

95 2 0

Maddie at 6:34 pm:

Donald Duck at 6:35 pm:
Tell me thirty eight things about you, and vice versa

Maddie at 6:49 pm:
It's usually twenty questions, but okay me first.

Maddie at 6:52 am:
1: I'm a brunette

Donald Duck at 5:08 pm:

2: I have one brother and two sisters

Maddie at 6:29 am:
I have the opposite, I have two brothers who don't live us, anymore & one sister

Donald Duck at 6:31 pm:
4: I have a pet snake and a pet snail

Maddie at 6:51 pm:

Maddie at 6:53 pm:
5: I have pet dog named 'Liberty.'

Donald Duck at 7:05 pm:
Yes, I do.

Donald Duck at 7:06 pm:
6: my brothers names are Mark and Tyler, Mark's 23. I haven't seen him, since he was 16, when he moved out.

Donald Duck at 7:08 pm:
He fought with my parents & he went to live with his friend...in America

Maddie at 7:14 pm:
That was four facts so I get to do four facts now

Maddie at 7:18 pmd
Woah, that's like seven years!

Donald Duck at 7:29 pm:
Fine it's fair, I guess? And it's been exactly 7 years.

Maddie at 7:27 pm:
I can tell that's a sensitive topic, so moving on...

Maddie at 7:29 pm:
11: I'm fourteen years old. 12: I'm in eighth grade. 13: I do softball & football.

Maddie at 7:35 pm:
14: I have a boyfriend and his names Johnny. Johnny & I have been dating for six months, four weeks, five days, seven hours, & fifty seconds.

Maddie at 7:50 pm:
15: my name is 'Maddie'.

Donald Duck at 8:10 pm:
16: I'm fourteen, too! 17: I'm also in eight grade, but we call it 'year eight,' that's like the same thing. Right?

Donald Duck at 8:12 pm:
the Mark thing is a sensitive topic... Wait, you play football? it's not like you're counting how many days Johnny & you are dating...

Donald Duck at 8:16 pm:
your names 'maddie!' I changed your contact name now!

Maddie at 8:19 pm:
Sorry, I brought that topic up. Johnny, means EVERYTHING to me! yes, i play football. It's for my school team.

Donald Duck at 8:28 pm:
Now, it's your turn...

Maddie at 8:36 pm:
Oh, sorry. 18 (maybe?) : my best friends name is 'Kendall'.

Donald Duck at 8:43 pm:
19 (I think?) : Tyler, is twelve years old & is living with my mom while, I'm with my dad.

Donald Duck at 8:47 pm:
Which leads to 20: my parents are divorced. 21: I live with my dad & younger sister, who's eight years old.

Maddie at 9:13 pm:
I'm sorry. 22: I live with my mom and sister, Kenzie. 23: Kenzie's real name is Mackenzie, but I call her 'Kenzie' or 'Kenz'.

Maddie at 9:16 pm:
24: twenty fours my favorite number.

Donald Duck at 9:27 pm:
What about your dad?

Maddie at 10:08 pm:
He checked out

Donald Duck from 10:16 pm:
From your life? My bad! I'm so sorry...

Maddie at 10:30 pm:
Please don't go!

Donald Duck at 10:40 pm:
I'm not going anywhere. 25: I'm on my school's swim team

Maddie at 10:58 pm:
26: It's 10:58 pm for me

Donald Duck at 11:20 pm:
27: it's 1:20 am for me

Maddie at 11:28 pm:
Oh, wow. You stayed up for me?

Donald Duck at 11:35 pm:
Yes, but don't feel special ;)

Maddie at 11:45 pm:
Too late, I feel special!!! 28: I'm short

Donald Duck at 11:57 pm:
29: I'm tall ;)

Maddie at 12:15 pm:
Sorry if I'm answering late. I'm texting Johnny. He's a little upset w me

Donald Duck at 11:20 pm:
Upset? Like mad? At you. Why?

Maddie at 11:29 pm:
Yeah, he's mad at me. he asked why I don't answer him in less than ten seconds & I said,"I don't always have to answer quickly! I have a life too."

Maddie at 11:31 pm:
I also told him about you. he started talking bad about you. 30: I hate when people talk bad about someone they don't even know. they automatically judge them.

Donald Duck at 11:53 pm:
31: I don't care what other's think, it's their loss.

Maddie at 12:36 am:
32: I wish I had as much confidence as you

Donald Duck at 1:00 am:
Once again, don't feel special :)

Maddie at 1:11 am:
but you see, I DO feel special

Donald Duck at 1:24 am:

Maddie at 1:31 am:

Donald Duck at 1:40 am:
Shut up

Maddie at 1:47 am:
33: I don't put up with people's bullcrap

Donald Duck at 2:22 am:
34: I don't like it when people act like they're better than everyone else.

Donald Duck at 2:49 pm:
35: people should wait their turn

Maddie at 3:26 am:
36: guys who are douchebags or DUCKS aren't attractive, or at least not anymore

Donald Duck at 4:05 am:
37: girls who are petty aren't pretty - at all

Maddie at 4:18 am:
38: grow up

Donald Duck at 4:28 am:
Says you

*Donald Duck has blocked Maddie*

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