You Don't Want This Story

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Jerking abruptly, Jana felt his shoulder pop out of its socket and groaned, loving the pain that surged through his exhausted body before he popped it back in.

"No. That bitch had to smoke. Had to shoot up. So many drugs. I found them all, and I was older then. I understood what it was. What it would do to my little brother. I wanted that brother! He could have taken daddy's attention. Surely a younger boy would have been a better fuck!"

His jaw hurt as his teeth ground together. "But no. Mamma had a miscarriage because of all the shit she needed to get a high after so long. She deserved to die just because of that. Because I would never be free of daddy's affections."

The annoying hum of the lights overhead took over in the cell as Jana quieted. He wasn't sure how long he remained that way, but when he heard the lock click on his door and someone walk in, he redirected his gaze to where they stopped a foot away.

Pimple face.

"Hey Jana." Tommy said quietly, almost as if he were worried that the volume of his voice might set him off. At the current moment, it would.

Instead of answering, Jana narrowed his eyes and grunted. He wanted nothing to do with the man right then. All he wanted was to be left the hell alone. When the guard began to shift awkwardly from foot to foot, Jana knew that he was likely not going to be given what he wanted.

"I've made arrangements for you to have the weight room to yourself for a short while... if you want it."

Surprise had Jana slowly sitting up. He was tired, but working out? He lived for it. Pushing himself. Hurting himself. It always made the thoughts disappear, if only for a few moments. After a long minute of silence Jana nodded his head. Tommy mirrored his action and then knelt behind him and got the straight-jacket unfastened. When his arms were freed from the sleeves Jana calmly put them behind his back.

After being locked up for three days, he was ready to behave so that he could get at least a short time in the weight room. When his hands were cuffed he was helped to his feet, then lead from his room. Being so late, there were very few people walking about. All other inmates were in their cells and only a couple guards watched them as they made their way to the weight room.

Hmm. Wait a second.

Stepping into the room, Jana stopped by the door, making Tommy turn and eye him warily. "What is it, Jana?" He asked, clearly on edge. Jana couldn't blame him after the way he'd kicked him days earlier. Considering he was back on the job already, he surprisingly had to not have sustained any broken ribs.

"Why are you hear? It's clearly not your hours. You're a day guard." Jana stated as he began to slowly walk toward his favorite bench. While waiting for Tommy to respond, he carefully selected his weights and began adding them to the metal bar.

"Tonight was the earliest shift they'd let me return after my medical exam."

Jana's brows drew together as he finished adding the weight he wanted, the total being two-hundred and eighty pounds. "You could have come back on your normal shift." He stated as he laid down on the bench and after briefly stretching his stiff arms over his head, grabbed the bar and began doing reps.

Tommy took longer than Jana thought he would to respond. When he finally did, Jana's arms froze mid-rep, easily holding the weight as he narrowed his eyes on the man.

"I thought you might need some time out of that padded box."

When Tommy saw the look Jana was giving him he shrugged, then offered a slight smile. "I know I could be sleeping right now, but I can do that another time. You can't be out here unless supervised and previous permission is requested."

Grunting, Jana continued his reps, counting out twenty before pushing the bar back into place. His arms burned and his lungs pulled in air twice as fast as normal. It felt great.

"They want to talk to you about what happened." Tommy said after a moment of silence. Jana expected his words, but he didn't want to hear them. The guy should know by his history files that he wouldn't talk. "They can want everything. That doesn't mean I'll give them anything." Jana stated calmly before reaching back up and removing the bar, starting his next set of reps.

"True... but they're willing to offer you a deal, if you talk about what happened. The deal can only get better, they mentioned, if you go into what happened in your past. Put forth new information for them to work with."

A deal? They've never even mentioned that before. Why now?

"I asked them... because Emmet was already working on the papers to get you a hearing about it. I turned them in and made the request face to face."

Hearing his name had the bar slipping from Jana's hands. Tommy caught it, but the weight forced him to fall forward, his knees moving to either side of Jana's head as he quickly tilted the bar, then shoved. It slammed to the floor, cracking several tiles before he followed, dropping to the tile floor on his back with a gasp. Jana watched him, his head still resting against the comfortable bench.

When Tommy finally seemed to catch his breath, Jana felt his lips quirk into a half-smirk and slowly sat up. "Thanks for the view... we should spend some time together naked."

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