Journal Entry 11

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Dear Scroll,

I started to fight with Atlantis about which of our tribes were better.

My reasoning for SkyWings being better is that we're fierce, we were a power house in the war, and we have some dragons born with firescales. We believe that we are better because we can fight better then any other tribe and we could fight in many situations.

Atlantis' reasons for saying that SeaWings were better were that SeaWings had two kingdoms, they had their own language, they could go in an area where other tribes can't get to them, and they had made their own type of ink that could be underwater. They had their own hidden kingdom that nobody could find.

We continued to fight about it throughout the meal, but nobody stopped us from our fight.

I gave Atlantis a long scratch along his tail and his side. Atlantis gave me a scratch on my wings and a small one on my underbelly.

Anyways, there is nothing else for me to put in here. I guess I'll go to sleep now.


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