Journal Entry 9

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Dear Scroll,

I can't believe that they beat me up this badly.

My arms forearms profusely bleeding and they aren't even helping me stop the bleeding. My hind legs are so painfully and I can't make it less painful. My underbelly was scratched and bruised all over. I wonder where my siblings learned how to fight like that. Anyways, my tail was bent in an odd angle and it didn't help that some bone was sticking out. My face had a long, deep cut on the right side of my face while my wings had a few bruises on my wings.

My body hurts all over and I can't make this pain stop. I think my siblings wanted me to die while training or die from my injuries in my sleep. This was a horrible pain to endure, but I knew that I could make it through. These wounds were like sticks and stones, they might break my boned, but words will never kill me. The actual saying is," Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never kill me."

This is the saying that I live my now. They may call me cruel names and harm me in training, but I won't go down without a fight. I must put up a fight or I would be called a coward and I don't want that to happen anytime soon.

I know that I might not make it through the next fight, but I will try my best. I will fight for the kingdom to have a better chance of living through the war.

Well, my injuries need my attention so I am going to leave now.


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