Chapter 2 - Jealousy and a Day At the Mall

Start from the beginning

Even with puffy eyes, and tear streaks running down her face, she looked beautiful. 

I wiped away the remaining tears, and pulled her into my lap. She didn't do anything but stare at me the whole time. 

"Why don't you stand up for yourself?" Jaden asked.

"I-I can't." She shook her head, the rested it on my shoulder. 

If I could stay in this position forever, I'd be the happiest man alive. 

I smiled and kissed the top of her head. 

"Cody!" Two voices yelled from the door.

We all looked up and saw Brent and Luke running over to us. 

Cody got up from my lap, and ran over to Luke. 

It took all my strength to let her go. She felt so good in my arms, and I loved every last second of it. Soon she can be in my arms forever. Where she belongs.


I ran over to Luke, and gave him a hug. 

I heard a faint growl from behind me, but I thought nothing of it. 

My brother wrapped his arms around me. "Are you okay? We heard about Cassie." 

"I'm fine." I pulled away from him, and looked at Jace and the other boy. "They helped me." I said.

Brent glared in their direction, and Luke smiled.

Jace looked at me, and smiled. I couldn't help the blush. I smiled back shyly, and looked to my feet.

"Great. Let's go." Brent said, taking my arm.

"Don't touch her!" Jace screamed.

I looked up, and saw he was walking over to us. The boy with midnight black hair followed Jace with a worried expression on his face. I wonder why.

I looked into Jace's eyes, and saw they were pitch black. I gasped in shock, and took a step back, running into Brent.

"Jace. You need to calm down." The boy said, putting an arm on Jace's shoulder.

He shook it off, and glared at Brent. 

Brent shoved me behind him, and Luke stood in the middle.

"Guys, come on. We can all get along." He tried.

"Jace." The boy said more sternly. "Back down."

Jace sighed, and his body turned loose. "Cody, can I talk to you?" He asked.

I looked to his eyes, and saw they were hazle again.

I nodded, and went to step around Brent, but he put an arm out, blocking me. 

"Let. Her. Go." Jace said through clenched teeth. 

"Jaden, do something!" Luke murmured to the boy. 

"Are you kidding?! I've known Jace for years, when he get's angry. Stay back." Jaden said, eyeing Jace.

Luke shook his head.

"I told you to stay away from her. She doesn't need a player like you in her life." Brent spat.

"You want to know, how long I've waited for a girl like Cody to walk into my life?" Jace asked. "Ever since I turned thirteen, I've waited. I'm not going to let you take her away from me. Now let her go." 

"Brent, I'll be fine." I pushed his arm to his side, and stepped closer to Jace.

Jace gave me a small smile before taking my hand. 

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