Chapter 17- New clans, new rivals

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"Greetings Silverstar, and how is Echoclan?" Jetstar mewed.

"Good. Good thanks. The clan is running well this newleaf." The silver tabby replied, her tail swishing rapidly.

"Good." Jetstar murmured, nodding briefly.

Is she hiding something or just being friendly? Lemonpaw wondered. She watched closely as more clan cats arrived.

"That's Zebrastar, and his deputy Ambernose. " Olivetail cried, pointing his tail towards a black-and-white tom and a ginger-and-white she-cat. The two cats walked side by side and seemed close.

"Oh, and they are also mates. " Olivetail whispered, seeing Lemonpaw staring at the pair of cats, her eyes full of curiousity.

Leader and deputy as mates... I wonder how their clanmates accepted that.

"We are just waiting for Snowclan now." Olivetail reported.

On that note, a large silver tabby tom with a long flowing coat trotted elegantly into the clearing.

"Lynxpelt!" Jetstar shrieked anxiously.

"It's Lynxstar now..." He sighed, his eyes full of melancholy.

Jetstar didn't say anything, she merely dipped her head to the grey tabby, and let him climb up onto the Starstone beside her.

"Let us begin." Zebrastar yowled boldly, his voice ringing out across the clearing, uniforming the cats before the Starstone in utter silence. "Sandclan is doing great this moon. We have a new medicine apprentice, Chestnutpaw." Zebrastar's gaze fell onto a dark ginger tom who was sitting beside a young dark brown she-cat. "He has chosen to give up his warrior training and will now train as a medicine cat instead. Sandclan will be honoured to finally have a new medicine cat apprentice."

"Chestnutpaw! Chestnutpaw!" A few young Sandclan apprentices chant the ginger tom's name. Chestnutpaw lifts his head proudly.

"Sandclan has also been blessed with new kits this moon, as Sweetwillow has given birth to three kits, Puffinkit, Flintkit and Cheetahkit!"

Murmurs of congratulations rose among the cats and a ginger tabby tom gazed up at Zebrastar with pride in his eyes.

"The ginger tabby over there is Racingwind, the father of Sweetwillow's kits. Olivetail whispered beside Lemonpaw.

Lemonpaw watched with anticipation of what would happen next as Zebrastar stepped back to let Jetstar speak.

"Lilyclan is doing well this moon, we have a new apprentice in Lemonpaw!"

Whispers of voices from among cats from other clans, made Lemonpaw worry of how they felt about this. All eyes fell on her as Jetstar continued.

"We also have news that Swiftwing is expecting Bubblesplash's kits."

Mews and sequels could be heard from the Lilyclan cats as Jetstar held calm. It seems that even our clan didn't know that Swiftwing was pregnant! Lemonpaw thought.

"Bubblesplash thought that it would be better to announce the news at the gathering as a surprise to both the other clans and to Lilyclan." Jetstar purred.

Bubblesplash nodded to Jetstar, his blue-grey fur shimmering in the moonlight like the stars of Silverpelt.

Jetstar moved back and Silverstar took her place.

Lemonsplash's Acceptance (#Wattys)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz