Chapter 8: In Which We Get Attacked by Demon Dogs

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I ran over to my desk and flung open the case of knives before I realized something. How the heck was I going to carry all of these?

As if reading my thoughts, Renee tossed me something black and made of leather. A knife belt. I pulled on jeans as quickly as I could, since I'd need belt loops. I slid eight knives into the sheaves, taking as many as I could. I was tempted to pull on a jacket over my tank-top, but I didn't have time to go searching for one. As soon as I was ready, I followed Renee out the door, pulling my hair up into a ponytail as I walked to keep it out of the way.

"What's up with the huge coat?" I asked. Renee had on a large black trenchcoat over her t-shirt and yoga pants. She winked and pulled the folds aside so that I could see all of the ninja stars lining the inside.

As we walked, I wondered if any of the guys had thought to look for a pack when they went after the first hellhound in the woods earlier. Dogs generally lived in groups. Idiots.

When we got downstairs, Renee led me to a room I hadn't seen before: the game room. It followed the same color scheme as the rest of the house, with dark, mahogany wood panels on the floor and white walls. The right side of the room was occupied by all types of game tables you can think of - pool, ping-pong, foosball. On the left, there were three small tables and one large table. Each of the small tables had two chairs on opposite sides of them, while the large table had six chairs around it. I supposed those were meant for playing games on. Nearby was a shelf with all sorts of board and card games on it.

Despite all of the chairs in the room, no one was sitting down. Everyone else was standing almost perfectly still. They all had their weapons with them, too.

"Renee!" Tom gave her an exasperated look as soon as we entered. "I told you to let her sleep!"

"Like anyone could sleep through this!" Renee replied, rolling her eyes.

I was obviously missing something. Why would Tom have told Renee to let me sleep when we were about to be attacked? They'd need all of the people they could get to fight the hellhounds, right?

Then it clicked. Tom thought that I couldn't do it.

Part of my brain told me that he was right. I had held a weapon for the first time yesterday. I barely even knew what I was doing. But I wanted to prove myself. And I wasn't going to just sit around while everyone else fought giant demonic dogs. Even though I barely knew these people, I wasn't going to watch them get beat up when I was able to help them. I wouldn't do that to anyone. Well, unless it was like, Dolores Umbridge or something, but that was beside the point.

The room was awkwardly silent in the wake of Tom and Renee's conversation. Everyone could probably tell that I was getting the implications behind what he said.

"Cosette," Tom sighed, not making eye contact with me. "Go back upstairs."


Tom was looking at me now. "Go. back. upstairs."

"No." I glared at him. I prided myself in my ability to be stubborn.


"Tom, just let her stay," Anthony cut in. "She's already here. Besides, do you think she'd be able to fall asleep again after this?"

"That's not the point!"

"Just drop it, Tom."

Renee was glancing at the floor, while Anthony and Tom were looking at each other, having a silent conversation. Nicole was - big surprise - scowling at me. Yeah, of course she'd side with Tom. Xavier looked like he was slightly amused by all of this, but was trying not to smile, since we were about to be attacked, after all.

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