Chapter 4: In Which I Get Interrogated

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I felt like I was being led to be executed for a crime I hadn't committed. That was about how solemn and quiet everyone was as we went back upstairs.

I followed everyone to the living room, which was by far the largest living room that I'd ever seen. Then again, I shouldn't have been surprised when thinking about the house's proportions.

The living room was connected with the kitchen - which seemed to house a lot of chrome - and was very open, with very few walls. One entire wall was glass, letting the room's occupants look out over the front lawn. The decor was modern: the black sofa and armchairs were low to the floor, which was covered in a fuzzy, cream-colored carpet. There were a few dark green accents, such as a plant the corner, that balanced everything out. All of the wood furnishings were mahogany. Other than a large flat-screen television, the walls, which were the same color as the carpet, were bare.

It was obvious that Anthony, Renee, Xavier, and Nicole didn't really know what was going to happen. Renee slowly took a seat in one of the armchairs, and the other three followed her lead and sat on the couch. Tom gestured for me to sit in the remaining armchair, but I determinedly remained standing. I had a feeling that I was about to be interrogated, and I didn't want him towering over me the entire time.

I could tell that Tom noticed a lot out of my refusal to sit. One, I was stubborn. Two, I was persistent. And three, I had a rebellious streak that didn't like being compliant towards authority. For a split second, I reconsidered my actions, knowing that Tom could very well gut me with that sword of his. However, he just took a deep breath, and the questioning began.

"How did you find us?"

I didn't really feel like explaining this, but I knew that I had to if I wanted to get any of my answers. So, with a sigh, I began the story.

"My mom and dad told me that they were sending me to a boarding school, and they got their friend to drive me. He dropped me off at that bus stop on the other edge of those woods." I pointed out the window, towards the forest that met the edge of the front lawn. "Obviously, I had no idea where the heck I was, so I just walked on the path until I got here."

For a moment, Tom seemed deep in thought. But this only lasted for a moment, and then he spoke up again.

"What are your parents' names?"

I didn't know why he sounded so anxious to hear who my parents were. I opened my mouth to answer, but before I could, Renee spoke up.

"I already looked in the records, Tom. Both of her parents are there."

"Who's their friend? The one that drove you here?" Tom asked me.

"Darren Williams."

Renee understood the silent order from Tom to go check the records. Without saying anything, she got up and left the room. Anthony, Nicole, and Xavier were all looking highly uncomfortable on the couch in the silence. Renee was back in a flash, though, so it wasn't quiet for long.

"He's in there, too," Renee told Tom.

Tom didn't say anything, so I took the chance to sit. I was starting to realize how tired I was from the day's events. Physically, my body was worn out, but my mind was racing with all of the questions I had.

Tom seemed to be thinking. Since he wasn't saying anything else, though, I decided that it was my turn.

"Now that I've answered your questions, can I get answers to mine?"

"Depends on the question."

I took a deep breath, getting impatient. I hated not knowing things. I had to be careful with what I asked, though, so I started with the most simple question.

"Where am I?"


I raised an eyebrow. "That's a weird name for a town."

"I'm not talking about a town. Aerith is the world you're in."

Wait, what? "Are you trying to say that I'm not on Earth anymore?"

"Yes," Tom replied simply.

"And that by driving down a highway, I'm somehow on an entirely different planet?"

"Don't be ridiculous," Tom said. I immediately flared up; I was the one being ridiculous?! He was talking about an entirely different world! "Earth is just on the other side of that tunnel," he continued.

"So....................this is like, an alternate universe?"

"I suppose that's the best way to describe it."

I just stared. I had officially gone insane. I was sure of it. This had to be some strange vision, or dream. There was no way that this could actually be happening. Then why did it seem so......realistic?

I knew that the more I dwelt on his words, the crazier I would get, so I took another deep breath and moved on to my next question.

"Why were you all so shocked when I showed up?"

Anthony spoke up. "Well, we haven't had a new arrival in........" He thought for a moment, counting something in his mind. "Eight years."

Eight years? "You've all known each other that long?" No one here could have been older than twenty.

Everyone nodded. Since my questions were finally getting answered, though, I didn't let the silence continue for long.

"Why the heck do you have a sword arena and a weapons arsenal?"

"How else are we supposed to kill the monsters?" Xavier said. His tone was lighthearted, but his expression was serious.

"Oh, and I suppose there are unicorns, too?" I scoffed.

"Yeah, but we'd never kill those, of course," Nicole said.

I blinked. Unicorns. Unicorns. Here I was, in a room where a bunch of eighteen to twenty-year-old people were talking about unicorns like it was a perfectly reasonable topic.

This all sounded completely ridiculous. I was considering flat-out telling these people that they were nutters, but then I remembered what I had seen in the woods earlier, and this suddenly seemed much more logical.

"By the way, you have a giant killer dog in your woods," I told them. "Just so you know."

Tom froze. "What?"

"Yep. In the woods. It disappeared when I saw it, but I'm sure that it's still hanging around."

Tom just looked at me for a moment, obviously trying to figure out whether or not I was teasing him. This got me more pissed off than I probably should have been, but these people were talking about monsters and alternate universes, and when I mentioned a giant dog, they didn't listen?

"Fine. Don't believe me. I won't say 'I told you so' when it comes and eats us. Now if you'll all excuse me, I need to go get my luggage from the porch."

And with that, I stood up and left the room.

A/N: So how'd you all like this one? I know that it was a lot shorter than Chapter 3, but it also answered a lot more questions that Chapter 3 did. Anyway, give me your input in the comments section! If you like the story, please vote! Thanks! :)

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