Sweet Apple Acres

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"Yeeeeeeeeha!!" Shouted AppleJack as she tossed the horseshoe on to the stick in a game of Ring Toss, "you see that Rainbow?"
"Yeh I saw it alright but I won't hesitate to beat it!" Replied Rainbow Dash in her competitive voice.
Like a flash, she zoomed forward and threw the ring way over the target stick.
"Oh shoot." Rainbow said, kicking at the sand.
"Yeeeeeha! I won! Too bad Rainbow." Said AJ.
Rainbow scowled. "Yeh haha. Follow me to the playing field and get your sorry hind quarters kicked for mercy!" Shouted Rainbow.
"Rainbow! Quit it!" AJ said, "so you lost. Big whoop! Don't be such a sour sport and accept the fact that I won!"
"AJ it's just a bit of rivalry that's all! You take everything too seriously now! So are you coming or are you not?" Rainbow answered.
AJ sighed, "I guess I must!"
Rainbow flew to the playing field with AJ trotting behind.

"So here we are! The field!" Said Rainbow.
"Ugh...lets get this over with. I got ma chores back at Sweet Apple Acres to finish!" Said AJ.
"What you wanna play then Appleseed?" Asked Rainbow, confidently.
"I don't know and I don't care." Replied AJ.
Rainbow rolled her eyes and looked around. "How about Football?" She asked.
"Fine and dandy to me!" AJ sighed.

AJ and Rainbow set up the goals and set the rules.
"No cheating, No gloating and most of all, No wings!" Shouted AJ.
"Yeh yeh. Okay. First to the five yeh? GO!" Shouted Rainbow.

Time skip

After the game, the two mares were tired out from their little game.
"Ha! I beat you five to one!" Exclaimed Rainbow.
"Only cause......YOU USED YOUR WINGS!!" Shouted AJ.
"No I never?!" Cried Rainbow.
"I'm sick and tired of all ya cheatin'!!" Shouted AJ, "you gotta play fair 'n' square!"
"What are talking about?! I'm an athlete ya know?! I was just born to win!" Said Rainbow.
"See. There it is again." Said AJ before walking off.

Back at Sweet Apple Acres.

"Rainbow Dash always cheats!! She never plays a good game!" Complained AJ, "I wanna play with her but I don't! What would you do Big Mac?"
"...." Said BigMac, "I think ya love her."
"WHAT?!" Screamed AJ, "how in all of Equestria did ya come up with that?!?!"
"I don't know. Perhaps it's how you sleep talk about her every night?" He replied.
"I....I really do that?" AJ asked.
Big Mac nodded, "Yuuuup."
"Well.....it could be true....I guess." AJ stuttered, "I better show her my affections!"
AJ galloped off to confess her love for Rainbow Dash.

To be continued.

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